rmxftmpl.x 4.83 KB
xof 0302txt 0064
// Copyright (C) 2011 Dylan Smith
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

template Header
    WORD major;
    WORD minor;
    DWORD flags;

template Vector
    FLOAT x;
    FLOAT y;
    FLOAT z;

template Coords2d
    FLOAT u;
    FLOAT v;

template Matrix4x4
    array FLOAT matrix[16];

template ColorRGBA
    FLOAT red;
    FLOAT green;
    FLOAT blue;
    FLOAT alpha;

template ColorRGB
    FLOAT red;
    FLOAT green;
    FLOAT blue;

template IndexedColor
    DWORD index;
    ColorRGBA indexColor;

template Boolean
    DWORD truefalse;

template Boolean2d
    Boolean u;
    Boolean v;

template MaterialWrap
    Boolean u;
    Boolean v;

template TextureFilename
    STRING filename;

template Material
    ColorRGBA faceColor;
    FLOAT power;
    ColorRGB specularColor;
    ColorRGB emissiveColor;
    [ ... ]

template MeshFace
    DWORD nFaceVertexIndices;
    array DWORD faceVertexIndices[nFaceVertexIndices];

template MeshFaceWraps
    DWORD nFaceWrapValues;
    array Boolean2d faceWrapValues[nFaceWrapValues];

template MeshTextureCoords
    DWORD nTextureCoords;
    array Coords2d textureCoords[nTextureCoords];

template MeshMaterialList
    DWORD nMaterials;
    DWORD nFaceIndexes;
    array DWORD faceIndexes[nFaceIndexes];
    [ Material ]

template MeshNormals
    DWORD nNormals;
    array Vector normals[nNormals];
    DWORD nFaceNormals;
    array MeshFace faceNormals[nFaceNormals];

template MeshVertexColors
    DWORD nVertexColors;
    array IndexedColor vertexColors[nVertexColors];

template Mesh
    DWORD nVertices;
    array Vector vertices[nVertices];
    DWORD nFaces;
    array MeshFace faces[nFaces];
    [ ... ]

template FrameTransformMatrix
    Matrix4x4 frameMatrix;

template Frame
    [ ... ]

template FloatKeys
    DWORD nValues;
    array FLOAT values[nValues];

template TimedFloatKeys
    DWORD time;
    FloatKeys tfkeys;

template AnimationKey
    DWORD keyType;
    DWORD nKeys;
    array TimedFloatKeys keys[nKeys];

template AnimationOptions
    DWORD openclosed;
    DWORD positionquality;

template Animation
    [ ... ]

template AnimationSet
    [ Animation ]

template InlineData
    [ BINARY ]

template Url
    DWORD nUrls;
    array STRING urls[nUrls];

template ProgressiveMesh
    [ Url, InlineData ]

template Guid
    DWORD data1;
    WORD data2;
    WORD data3;
    array UCHAR data4[8];

template StringProperty
    STRING key;
    STRING value;

template PropertyBag
    [ StringProperty ]

template ExternalVisual
    Guid guidExternalVisual;
    [ ... ]

template RightHanded
    DWORD bRightHanded;