Commit 14b50ee1 authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

conhost: Fix handling selection boundaries in copy_selection.

parent 887d16c9
......@@ -969,13 +969,13 @@ static void copy_selection( struct console *console )
WCHAR *p, *buf;
w = abs( console->window->selection_start.X - console->window->selection_end.X ) + 2;
w = abs( console->window->selection_start.X - console->window->selection_end.X ) + 1;
h = abs( console->window->selection_start.Y - console->window->selection_end.Y ) + 1;
if (!OpenClipboard( console->win )) return;
mem = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, (w * h) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
mem = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, (w + 1) * h * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (mem && (p = buf = GlobalLock( mem )))
int x, y;
......@@ -992,20 +992,21 @@ static void copy_selection( struct console *console )
p[x - c.X] = console->active->data[y * console->active->width + x].ch;
/* strip spaces from the end of the line */
end = p + w - 1;
end = p + w;
while (end > p && *(end - 1) == ' ')
*end = (y < h - 1) ? '\n' : '\0';
*end = (y < c.Y + h - 1) ? '\n' : '\0';
p = end + 1;
GlobalUnlock( mem );
if (p - buf != w * h)
TRACE( "%s\n", debugstr_w( buf ));
if (p - buf != (w + 1) * h)
HANDLE new_mem;
new_mem = GlobalReAlloc( mem, (p - buf) * sizeof(WCHAR), GMEM_MOVEABLE );
if (new_mem) mem = new_mem;
GlobalUnlock( mem );
SetClipboardData( CF_UNICODETEXT, mem );
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