Commit 16db2569 authored by Dimitrie O. Paun's avatar Dimitrie O. Paun Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Fix crash when computing the item width of a report with no columns.

Override custom draw bkgnd color for selection items. Fill background for all items that have a bkgnd colour.
parent 3520c832
......@@ -2200,8 +2200,12 @@ static INT LISTVIEW_CalculateItemWidth(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr)
RECT rcHeader;
LISTVIEW_GetHeaderRect(infoPtr, infoPtr->hdpaColumns->nItemCount - 1, &rcHeader);
nItemWidth = rcHeader.right;
if (infoPtr->hdpaColumns->nItemCount > 0)
LISTVIEW_GetHeaderRect(infoPtr, infoPtr->hdpaColumns->nItemCount - 1, &rcHeader);
nItemWidth = rcHeader.right;
else nItemWidth = 0;
......@@ -3419,6 +3423,11 @@ static BOOL LISTVIEW_DrawItem(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, HDC hdc, INT nItem, INT nS
if (lvItem.iItem == infoPtr->nHotItem) nmlvcd.nmcd.uItemState |= CDIS_HOT;
nmlvcd.nmcd.lItemlParam = lvItem.lParam;
cditemmode = notify_customdraw (infoPtr, CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT, &nmlvcd);
if (cditemmode & CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT) goto postpaint;
/* apprently, for selected items, we have to override the returned values */
if (lvItem.state & LVIS_SELECTED)
if (infoPtr->bFocus)
......@@ -3433,10 +3442,6 @@ static BOOL LISTVIEW_DrawItem(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, HDC hdc, INT nItem, INT nS
cditemmode = notify_customdraw (infoPtr, CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT, &nmlvcd);
if (cditemmode & CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT) goto postpaint;
/* state icons */
if (infoPtr->himlState && !IsRectEmpty(&rcState))
......@@ -3477,7 +3482,7 @@ static BOOL LISTVIEW_DrawItem(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, HDC hdc, INT nItem, INT nS
if (uView == LVS_REPORT && (infoPtr->dwLvExStyle & LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT))
rcSelect.right = rcBox.right;
if (lvItem.state & LVIS_SELECTED)
if (nmlvcd.clrTextBk != CLR_NONE)
ExtTextOutW(hdc, rcSelect.left,, ETO_OPAQUE, &rcSelect, 0, 0, 0);
if(lprcFocus) *lprcFocus = rcSelect;
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