Commit 2c2527e3 authored by Michał Ziętek's avatar Michał Ziętek Committed by Alexandre Julliard

wscript: Implemented Host_get_Name.

parent 36b0323c
......@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
#include <wine/debug.h>
static const WCHAR wshNameW[] = {'W','i','n','d','o','w','s',' ','S','c','r','i','p','t',' ','H','o','s','t',0};
static HRESULT WINAPI Host_QueryInterface(IHost *iface, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
......@@ -94,8 +96,11 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI Host_Invoke(IHost *iface, DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid
static HRESULT WINAPI Host_get_Name(IHost *iface, BSTR *out_Name)
WINE_FIXME("(%p)\n", out_Name);
return E_NOTIMPL;
WINE_TRACE("(%p)\n", out_Name);
if(!(*out_Name = SysAllocString(wshNameW)))
return S_OK;
static HRESULT WINAPI Host_get_Application(IHost *iface, IDispatch **out_Dispatch)
......@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@ function ok(expr, msg) {
ok(typeof(WScript) === "object", "typeof(WScript) = " + typeof(WScript));
ok(typeof(WSH) === "object", "typeof(WSH) = " + typeof(WSH));
ok(WScript === WSH, "WScript !== WSH");
ok(WScript.Name === "Windows Script Host", "WScript.Name = " + WScript.Name);
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