Commit 2ca7b748 authored by Albert den Haan's avatar Albert den Haan Committed by Alexandre Julliard

- enhanced reporting of unsupported X font encodings

- added -cp-*- data to font encoding lookup structures
parent c7c4246a
......@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ static fontEncodingTemplate __fETTable[] = {
{ "", sufch_big5, &__fETTable[17]},
{ "unicode", sufch_unicode, &__fETTable[18]},
{ "iso10646", sufch_iso10646, &__fETTable[19]},
{ "cp", sufch_windows, &__fETTable[20]},
/* NULL prefix matches anything so put it last */
{ NULL, sufch_any, NULL },
......@@ -670,20 +671,32 @@ static int LFD_InitFontInfo( fontInfo* fi, const LFD* lfd, LPCSTR fullname )
goto done;
if (boba->prefix)
WARN("font '%s' has unknown character encoding '%s'\n",
fullname, lfd->charset_encoding);
fi->df.dfCharSet = (BYTE)(boba->sufch[j].charset & 0xff);
fi->internal_charset = boba->sufch[j].charset;
fi->codepage = boba->sufch[j].codepage;
fi->cptable = boba->sufch[j].cptable;
j = 254;
goto done;
fi->df.dfCharSet = (BYTE)(boba->sufch[j].charset & 0xff);
fi->internal_charset = boba->sufch[j].charset;
fi->codepage = boba->sufch[j].codepage;
fi->cptable = boba->sufch[j].cptable;
if (boba->prefix)
FIXME("font '%s' has unknown character encoding '%s' in known registry '%s'\n",
fullname, lfd->charset_encoding, boba->prefix);
j = 254;
FIXME("font '%s' has unknown registry '%s' and character encoding '%s' \n",
fullname, lfd->charset_registry, lfd->charset_encoding);
j = 255;
WARN("Defaulting to: df.dfCharSet = %d, internal_charset = %d, codepage = %d, cptable = %d\n",
fi->df.dfCharSet,fi->internal_charset, fi->codepage, fi->cptable);
goto done;
else if (boba->prefix)
WARN("font '%s' has known registry '%s' and no character encoding\n",
fullname, lpstr);
for( j = 0; boba->sufch[j].psuffix; j++ )
fi->df.dfCharSet = (BYTE)(boba->sufch[j].charset & 0xff);
......@@ -702,8 +715,8 @@ done:
/* i - index into fETTable
* j - index into suffix array for fETTable[i]
* except:
* 254 - unknown suffix
* 255 - no suffix at all.
* 254 - found encoding prefix, unknown suffix
* 255 - no encoding match at all.
fi->fi_encoding = 256 * (UINT16)i + (UINT16)j;
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