Commit 348205b0 authored by Zebediah Figura's avatar Zebediah Figura Committed by Alexandre Julliard

qcap/tests: Test audio capture allocator properties.

parent c808b30b
......@@ -547,6 +547,86 @@ static void testfilter_init(struct testfilter *filter)
strmbase_sink_init(&filter->sink, &filter->filter, L"sink", &testsink_ops, NULL);
static void test_source_allocator(IFilterGraph2 *graph, IMediaControl *control,
IPin *source, struct testfilter *testsink)
ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES props, req_props = {2, 3200, 32, 0};
IMemAllocator *allocator;
IMediaSample *sample;
init_pcm_mt(&mt, &format, 1, 32000, 16);
hr = IFilterGraph2_ConnectDirect(graph, source, &testsink->, &mt);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
ok(!!testsink->sink.pAllocator, "Expected an allocator.\n");
hr = IMemAllocator_GetProperties(testsink->sink.pAllocator, &props);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
ok(props.cBuffers == 4, "Got %ld buffers.\n", props.cBuffers);
ok(props.cbBuffer == 32000, "Got size %ld.\n", props.cbBuffer);
ok(props.cbAlign == 1, "Got alignment %ld.\n", props.cbAlign);
ok(!props.cbPrefix, "Got prefix %ld.\n", props.cbPrefix);
hr = IMemAllocator_GetBuffer(testsink->sink.pAllocator, &sample, NULL, NULL, 0);
ok(hr == VFW_E_NOT_COMMITTED, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = IMediaControl_Pause(control);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = IMemAllocator_GetBuffer(testsink->sink.pAllocator, &sample, NULL, NULL, AM_GBF_NOWAIT);
todo_wine ok(hr == VFW_E_TIMEOUT, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = IMediaControl_Stop(control);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
hr = IMemAllocator_GetBuffer(testsink->sink.pAllocator, &sample, NULL, NULL, 0);
ok(hr == VFW_E_NOT_COMMITTED, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
IFilterGraph2_Disconnect(graph, source);
IFilterGraph2_Disconnect(graph, &testsink->;
init_pcm_mt(&mt, &format, 1, 32000, 8);
format.nAvgBytesPerSec = 127;
hr = IFilterGraph2_ConnectDirect(graph, source, &testsink->, &mt);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
ok(!!testsink->sink.pAllocator, "Expected an allocator.\n");
hr = IMemAllocator_GetProperties(testsink->sink.pAllocator, &props);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
ok(props.cBuffers == 4, "Got %ld buffers.\n", props.cBuffers);
ok(props.cbBuffer == 62, "Got size %ld.\n", props.cbBuffer);
ok(props.cbAlign == 1, "Got alignment %ld.\n", props.cbAlign);
ok(!props.cbPrefix, "Got prefix %ld.\n", props.cbPrefix);
IFilterGraph2_Disconnect(graph, source);
IFilterGraph2_Disconnect(graph, &testsink->;
CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_MemoryAllocator, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
&IID_IMemAllocator, (void **)&allocator);
testsink->sink.pAllocator = allocator;
hr = IMemAllocator_SetProperties(allocator, &req_props, &props);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
init_pcm_mt(&mt, &format, 1, 32000, 16);
hr = IFilterGraph2_ConnectDirect(graph, source, &testsink->, &mt);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
todo_wine ok(testsink->sink.pAllocator && testsink->sink.pAllocator != allocator,
"Got unexpected allocator %p.\n", testsink->sink.pAllocator);
hr = IMemAllocator_GetProperties(testsink->sink.pAllocator, &props);
ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
ok(props.cBuffers == 4, "Got %ld buffers.\n", props.cBuffers);
ok(props.cbBuffer == 32000, "Got size %ld.\n", props.cbBuffer);
ok(props.cbAlign == 1, "Got alignment %ld.\n", props.cbAlign);
ok(!props.cbPrefix, "Got prefix %ld.\n", props.cbPrefix);
IFilterGraph2_Disconnect(graph, source);
IFilterGraph2_Disconnect(graph, &testsink->;
static void test_connect_pin(IBaseFilter *filter)
AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt, req_mt, *source_mt;
......@@ -567,6 +647,8 @@ static void test_connect_pin(IBaseFilter *filter)
IBaseFilter_FindPin(filter, L"Capture", &source);
test_source_allocator(graph, control, source, &testsink);
peer = (IPin *)0xdeadbeef;
hr = IPin_ConnectedTo(source, &peer);
ok(hr == VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
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