Commit 38daf97a authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

make_dlls: Generate the .gitignore file.

parent cc2b3b48
# Automatically generated by make_dlls; DO NOT EDIT!!
......@@ -351,3 +351,31 @@ EOF
close NEWMAKE;
rename "", "";
printf "Successfully updated\n";
# .gitignore file
open GITIGNORE, ">" or die "cannot create";
print GITIGNORE "# Automatically generated by make_dlls; DO NOT EDIT!!\n";
my @ignores =
foreach my $mod (sort @lib_symlinks)
push @ignores, "/$importlibs{$mod}.def";
foreach my $mod (sort keys %directories)
next unless defined $altnames{$mod};
push @ignores, map { "/" . $_ . "16"; } @{$altnames{$mod}};
print GITIGNORE join("\n", sort @ignores) . "\n";
rename "", ".gitignore";
printf "Successfully updated .gitignore\n";
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