Commit 3e1ace5a authored by Dan Hipschman's avatar Dan Hipschman Committed by Alexandre Julliard

widl: Set type_t kind field correctly for all types.

parent 23707beb
......@@ -487,6 +487,7 @@ enum: ident '=' expr_const { $$ = reg_const($1);
enumdef: tENUM t_ident '{' enums '}' { $$ = get_typev(RPC_FC_ENUM16, $2, tsENUM);
$$->kind = TKIND_ENUM;
$$->fields = $4;
$$->defined = TRUE;
......@@ -663,8 +664,8 @@ coclass_int:
m_attributes interfacedec { $$ = make_ifref($2); $$->attrs = $1; }
dispinterface: tDISPINTERFACE aIDENTIFIER { $$ = get_type(0, $2, 0); }
| tDISPINTERFACE aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = get_type(0, $2, 0); }
dispinterface: tDISPINTERFACE aIDENTIFIER { $$ = get_type(0, $2, 0); $$->kind = TKIND_DISPATCH; }
| tDISPINTERFACE aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = get_type(0, $2, 0); $$->kind = TKIND_DISPATCH; }
dispinterfacehdr: attributes dispinterface { attr_t *attrs;
......@@ -707,8 +708,8 @@ inherit: { $$ = NULL; }
| ':' aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = find_type2($2, 0); }
interface: tINTERFACE aIDENTIFIER { $$ = get_type(RPC_FC_IP, $2, 0); }
| tINTERFACE aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = get_type(RPC_FC_IP, $2, 0); }
interface: tINTERFACE aIDENTIFIER { $$ = get_type(RPC_FC_IP, $2, 0); $$->kind = TKIND_INTERFACE; }
| tINTERFACE aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = get_type(RPC_FC_IP, $2, 0); $$->kind = TKIND_INTERFACE; }
interfacehdr: attributes interface { $$ = $2;
......@@ -742,8 +743,8 @@ interfacedec:
| dispinterface ';' { $$ = $1; if (!parse_only && do_header) write_forward($$); }
module: tMODULE aIDENTIFIER { $$ = make_type(0, NULL); $$->name = $2; }
| tMODULE aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = make_type(0, NULL); $$->name = $2; }
module: tMODULE aIDENTIFIER { $$ = make_type(0, NULL); $$->name = $2; $$->kind = TKIND_MODULE; }
| tMODULE aKNOWNTYPE { $$ = make_type(0, NULL); $$->name = $2; $$->kind = TKIND_MODULE; }
modulehdr: attributes module { $$ = $2;
......@@ -780,6 +781,7 @@ pointer_type:
structdef: tSTRUCT t_ident '{' fields '}' { $$ = get_typev(RPC_FC_STRUCT, $2, tsSTRUCT);
/* overwrite RPC_FC_STRUCT with a more exact type */
$$->type = get_struct_type( $4 );
$$->kind = TKIND_RECORD;
$$->fields = $4;
$$->defined = TRUE;
......@@ -814,6 +816,7 @@ typedef: tTYPEDEF m_attributes type pident_list { typeref_t *tref = uniq_tref($3
uniondef: tUNION t_ident '{' fields '}' { $$ = get_typev(RPC_FC_NON_ENCAPSULATED_UNION, $2, tsUNION);
$$->kind = TKIND_UNION;
$$->fields = $4;
$$->defined = TRUE;
......@@ -821,8 +824,10 @@ uniondef: tUNION t_ident '{' fields '}' { $$ = get_typev(RPC_FC_NON_ENCAPSULATE
tSWITCH '(' s_field ')'
m_ident '{' cases '}' { var_t *u = $7;
$$ = get_typev(RPC_FC_ENCAPSULATED_UNION, $2, tsUNION);
$$->kind = TKIND_UNION;
if (!u) u = make_var("tagged_union");
u->type->kind = TKIND_UNION;
u->type->fields = $9;
u->type->defined = TRUE;
LINK(u, $5); $$->fields = u;
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