Commit 41177ca0 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

Output the resource data in assembly too.

parent d7f64241
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ extern int resolve_imports( DLLSPEC *spec );
extern int has_imports(void);
extern void output_imports( FILE *outfile, DLLSPEC *spec );
extern int load_res32_file( const char *name, DLLSPEC *spec );
extern int output_resources( FILE *outfile, DLLSPEC *spec );
extern void output_resources( FILE *outfile, DLLSPEC *spec );
extern void load_res16_file( const char *name, DLLSPEC *spec );
extern unsigned int get_res16_data_size( DLLSPEC *spec, unsigned int res_offset,
unsigned int alignment );
......@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ void output_dll_init( FILE *outfile, const char *constructor, const char *destru
void BuildSpec32File( FILE *outfile, DLLSPEC *spec )
int resources_size, machine = 0;
int machine = 0;
unsigned int page_size = get_page_size();
resolve_imports( spec );
......@@ -436,8 +436,9 @@ void BuildSpec32File( FILE *outfile, DLLSPEC *spec )
/* Reserve some space for the PE header */
fprintf( outfile, "#ifndef __GNUC__\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "static void __asm__dummy_header(void) {\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "static void __asm__dummy(void) {\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "#endif\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "asm(\".text\\n\\t\"\n" );
fprintf( outfile, " \".align %d\\n\"\n", get_alignment(page_size) );
fprintf( outfile, " \"__wine_spec_pe_header:\\t\"\n" );
......@@ -445,28 +446,11 @@ void BuildSpec32File( FILE *outfile, DLLSPEC *spec )
fprintf( outfile, " \".space 65536\\n\\t\"\n" );
fprintf( outfile, " \".skip 65536\\n\\t\"\n" );
fprintf( outfile, " \".data\\n\\t\"\n" );
fprintf( outfile, " \".align %d\\n\"\n", get_alignment(4) );
fprintf( outfile, " \".L__wine_spec_data_start:\\t.long 1\");\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "#ifndef __GNUC__\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "}\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "#endif\n" );
if (target_platform == PLATFORM_APPLE)
fprintf( outfile, "static char _end[4];\n" );
/* Output the resources */
resources_size = output_resources( outfile, spec );
/* Output the NT header */
fprintf( outfile, "#ifndef __GNUC__\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "static void __asm__dummy(void) {\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "#endif\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "/* NT header */\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "asm(\".data\\n\\t.align %d\\n\"\n", get_alignment(4) );
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\\\n\\t\"\n" );
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.align %d\\n\"\n", get_alignment(get_ptr_size()) );
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.globl %s\\n\"\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_nt_header") );
fprintf( outfile, " \"%s:\\n\"\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_nt_header"));
......@@ -502,7 +486,8 @@ void BuildSpec32File( FILE *outfile, DLLSPEC *spec )
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.long %s\\n\"\n", /* AddressOfEntryPoint */
asm_name(spec->init_func) );
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.long 0\\n\"\n" ); /* BaseOfCode */
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.long .L__wine_spec_data_start\\n\"\n" ); /* BaseOfData */
if (get_ptr_size() == 4)
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.long %s\\n\"\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_nt_header") ); /* BaseOfData */
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t%s __wine_spec_pe_header\\n\"\n", /* ImageBase */
get_asm_ptr_keyword() );
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.long %u\\n\"\n", page_size ); /* SectionAlignment */
......@@ -539,8 +524,10 @@ void BuildSpec32File( FILE *outfile, DLLSPEC *spec )
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.long 0,0\\n\"\n" );
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.long %s,%u\\n\"\n", /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE] */
resources_size ? asm_name("__wine_spec_resources") : "0", resources_size );
if (spec->nb_resources) /* DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE] */
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.long .L__wine_spec_resources, .L__wine_spec_resources_end-.L__wine_spec_resources\\n\"\n" );
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.long 0,0\\n\"\n" );
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.long 0,0\\n\"\n" ); /* DataDirectory[3] */
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.long 0,0\\n\"\n" ); /* DataDirectory[4] */
......@@ -561,11 +548,15 @@ void BuildSpec32File( FILE *outfile, DLLSPEC *spec )
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.globl %s\\n\"\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_file_name") );
fprintf( outfile, " \"%s:\\n\"\n", asm_name("__wine_spec_file_name"));
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t%s \\\"%s\\\"\\n\"\n", get_asm_string_keyword(), spec->file_name );
if (target_platform == PLATFORM_APPLE)
fprintf( outfile, " \"\\t.comm %s,4\\n\"\n", asm_name("_end") );
fprintf( outfile, ");\n" );
output_stubs( outfile, spec );
output_exports( outfile, spec );
output_imports( outfile, spec );
output_resources( outfile, spec );
output_dll_init( outfile, "__wine_spec_init_ctor", NULL );
fprintf( outfile, "#ifndef __GNUC__\n" );
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