@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ set WINE_expectedresults.4=%WINE_CURDIR%\bazbaz
set WINE_expectedresults.5=%WINE_CURDIR%\foo\jim
set WINE_expectedresults.6=%WINE_CURDIR%\jim
call :SetExpected
for /R %%i in (baz* fred* jim) do call temp.bat %%i
for /R %%i in (baz* fred* jim) do call temp.bat "%%i"
call :ValidateExpected
echo for /R passed
@@ -2490,7 +2490,7 @@ cmd /e:oN /C tmp.cmd
rem FIXME: creating file before setting envvar value to prevent parsing-time evaluation (due to EnableDelayedExpansion not being implemented/available yet)
echo --- setlocal with corresponding endlocal
rem %CD% does not tork on NT4 so use the following workaround
rem %CD% does not work on NT4 so use the following workaround
for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_CURDIR=%%~dpnxi
echo @echo off> test.cmd
echo echo %%WINE_VAR%%>> test.cmd
@@ -2520,7 +2520,7 @@ echo cd foobar2>> test.cmd
echo echo %%WINE_VAR%%>> test.cmd
echo for /d %%%%i in (.) do echo %%%%~dpnxi>> test.cmd
set WINE_VAR=globalval
rem %CD% does not tork on NT4 so use the following workaround
rem %CD% does not work on NT4 so use the following workaround
for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_CURDIR=%%~dpnxi
call test.cmd
echo %WINE_VAR%
@@ -2532,7 +2532,7 @@ echo --- setlocal within same batch program
set WINE_var1=one
set WINE_var2=
set WINE_var3=
rem %CD% does not tork on NT4 so use the following workaround
rem %CD% does not work on NT4 so use the following workaround
for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_CURDIR=%%~dpnxi
set WINE_var2=two
@@ -2564,7 +2564,7 @@ echo --- Mismatched set and end locals
mkdir foodir2 2>nul
mkdir foodir3 2>nul
mkdir foodir4 2>nul
rem %CD% does not tork on NT4 so use the following workaround
rem %CD% does not work on NT4 so use the following workaround
for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_curdir=%%~dpnxi
echo @echo off> 2set1end.cmd
@@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ rem -- setlocal1 == this batch, should never be used inside a called routine
set WINE_var=value2
cd foodir2
call %WINE_CURDIR%\2set1end.cmd
call "%WINE_CURDIR%\2set1end.cmd"
echo Finished:
echo %WINE_VAR%
for /d %%i in (.) do echo %%~dpnxi
@@ -2612,7 +2612,7 @@ rem -- setlocal1 == this batch, should never be used inside a called routine