CONTROL "Erlaube DirectX Anwendungen, dass die Maus ihr Fenster nicht verlassen kann.",IDC_DX_MOUSE_GRAB,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,15,35,230,8
/* FIXME: the wording of this explanation could be a lot better */
LTEXT "You can choose to emulate a windows desktop, where all the windows are confined to one 'virtual screen', or you can have the windows placed on your standard desktop.",
GROUPBOX " Paramtres des fentres ",IDC_STATIC,8,25,244,110
CONTROL "Permettre aux applications DirectX d'empcher la souris de quitter leur fentre",IDC_DX_MOUSE_GRAB,"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,15,35,230,8