Commit 512237eb authored by Ken Thomases's avatar Ken Thomases Committed by Alexandre Julliard

winemac: Consolidate the code for managing the Cocoa parent/child window relationship.

parent 6873c3ee
......@@ -670,6 +670,55 @@ static inline void fix_generic_modifiers_by_device(NSUInteger* modifiers)
- (BOOL) addChildWineWindow:(WineWindow*)child assumeVisible:(BOOL)assumeVisible
BOOL reordered = FALSE;
if ([self isVisible] && (assumeVisible || [child isVisible]))
if ([self level] > [child level])
[child setLevel:[self level]];
[self addChildWindow:child ordered:NSWindowAbove];
child.latentParentWindow = nil;
reordered = TRUE;
child.latentParentWindow = self;
return reordered;
- (BOOL) addChildWineWindow:(WineWindow*)child
return [self addChildWineWindow:child assumeVisible:FALSE];
- (void) removeChildWineWindow:(WineWindow*)child
[self removeChildWindow:child];
if (child.latentParentWindow == self)
child.latentParentWindow = nil;
- (BOOL) becameEligibleParentOrChild
// If we aren't visible currently, we assume that we should be and soon
// will be. So, if the latent parent is visible that's enough to assume
// we can establish the parent-child relationship in Cocoa. That will
// actually make us visible, which is fine.
return [latentParentWindow addChildWineWindow:self assumeVisible:TRUE];
- (void) becameIneligibleParentOrChild
WineWindow* parent = (WineWindow*)[self parentWindow];
if (parent)
self.latentParentWindow = parent;
[parent removeChildWindow:self];
// Determine if, among Wine windows, this window is directly above or below
// a given other Wine window with no other Wine window intervening.
// Intervening non-Wine windows are ignored.
......@@ -786,14 +835,9 @@ static inline void fix_generic_modifiers_by_device(NSUInteger* modifiers)
if (latentParentWindow)
if ([latentParentWindow level] > [self level])
[self setLevel:[latentParentWindow level]];
[latentParentWindow addChildWindow:self ordered:NSWindowAbove];
self.latentParentWindow = nil;
if ([self becameEligibleParentOrChild])
needAdjustWindowLevels = TRUE;
if (prev || next)
WineWindow* other = [prev isVisible] ? prev : next;
......@@ -867,8 +911,8 @@ static inline void fix_generic_modifiers_by_device(NSUInteger* modifiers)
if ([self isMiniaturized])
pendingMinimize = TRUE;
self.latentParentWindow = [self parentWindow];
[latentParentWindow removeChildWindow:self];
[self becameIneligibleParentOrChild];
[self orderOut:nil];
if (wasVisible && wasOnActiveSpace && fullscreen)
[controller updateFullscreenWindows];
......@@ -952,17 +996,10 @@ static inline void fix_generic_modifiers_by_device(NSUInteger* modifiers)
WineWindow* oldParent = (WineWindow*)[self parentWindow];
if ((oldParent && oldParent != parent) || (!oldParent && latentParentWindow != parent))
[[self parentWindow] removeChildWindow:self];
self.latentParentWindow = nil;
if ([self isVisible] && parent)
if ([parent level] > [self level])
[self setLevel:[parent level]];
[parent addChildWindow:self ordered:NSWindowAbove];
[oldParent removeChildWineWindow:self];
[latentParentWindow removeChildWineWindow:self];
if ([parent addChildWineWindow:self])
[[WineApplicationController sharedController] adjustWindowLevels];
self.latentParentWindow = parent;
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