Commit 53cc70ca authored by Jacek Caban's avatar Jacek Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

mshtml: Use "Netscape" as appName in IE11 compat mode.

parent bbb46e81
......@@ -1150,7 +1150,8 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI OmNavigator_get_appName(IOmNavigator *iface, BSTR *p)
TRACE("(%p)->(%p)\n", This, p);
*p = SysAllocString(L"Microsoft Internet Explorer");
*p = SysAllocString(dispex_compat_mode(&This->dispex) == COMPAT_MODE_IE11
? L"Netscape" : L"Microsoft Internet Explorer");
......@@ -371,4 +371,8 @@ sync_test("navigator", function() {
? "^" + (v < 9 ? "4" : "5") + "\\.0 \\(compatible; MSIE " + (v < 7 ? 7 : v) + "\\.0; Windows NT [^\\)]*\\)$"
: "^5.0 \\(Windows NT [0-9].[0-9]; .*Trident/[678]\\.0.*rv:11.0\\) like Gecko$";
ok(new RegExp(re).test(app), "appVersion = " + app);
ok(navigator.appCodeName === "Mozilla", "appCodeName = " + navigator.appCodeName);
ok(navigator.appName === (v < 11 ? "Microsoft Internet Explorer" : "Netscape"),
"appName = " + navigator.appName);
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