Commit 56666888 authored by Torge Matthies's avatar Torge Matthies Committed by Alexandre Julliard

ws2_32/tests: Test short fd_set with select().

parent ae0209a3
......@@ -3152,7 +3152,7 @@ static void test_select(void)
static char tmp_buf[1024];
SOCKET fdListen, fdRead, fdWrite;
fd_set readfds, writefds, exceptfds;
fd_set readfds, writefds, exceptfds, *alloc_readfds;
unsigned int maxfd;
int ret, len;
char buffer;
......@@ -3160,7 +3160,8 @@ static void test_select(void)
struct sockaddr_in address;
select_thread_params thread_params;
HANDLE thread_handle;
DWORD ticks, id;
DWORD ticks, id, old_protect;
char *page_pair;
fdRead = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
ok( (fdRead != INVALID_SOCKET), "socket failed unexpectedly: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() );
......@@ -3326,6 +3327,15 @@ static void test_select(void)
ok(FD_ISSET(fdWrite, &readfds), "fdWrite socket is not in the set\n");
ok(FD_ISSET(fdRead, &readfds), "fdRead socket is not in the set\n");
page_pair = VirtualAlloc(NULL, 0x1000 * 2, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
VirtualProtect(page_pair + 0x1000, 0x1000, PAGE_NOACCESS, &old_protect);
alloc_readfds = (fd_set *)((page_pair + 0x1000) - offsetof(fd_set, fd_array[1]));
alloc_readfds->fd_count = 1;
alloc_readfds->fd_array[0] = fdRead;
ret = select(fdRead+1, alloc_readfds, NULL, NULL, &select_timeout);
ok(ret == 1, "select returned %d\n", ret);
VirtualFree(page_pair, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
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