Commit 5a74f001 authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

mf/tests: Add some IV50 encoder / decoder tests.

parent 8d699e5a
TESTDLL = mf.dll
IMPORTS = mf mfplat dmoguids mfuuid strmiids uuid wmcodecdspuuid ole32 user32 propsys msdmo d3d11
IMPORTS = mf mfplat dmoguids mfuuid strmiids uuid wmcodecdspuuid ole32 user32 propsys msdmo d3d11 msvfw32
C_SRCS = \
mf.c \
......@@ -65,11 +65,13 @@ typedef DWORD (*compare_cb)(const BYTE *data, DWORD *length, const RECT *rect, c
extern DWORD compare_nv12(const BYTE *data, DWORD *length, const RECT *rect, const BYTE *expect);
extern DWORD compare_i420(const BYTE *data, DWORD *length, const RECT *rect, const BYTE *expect);
extern DWORD compare_rgb32(const BYTE *data, DWORD *length, const RECT *rect, const BYTE *expect);
extern DWORD compare_rgb24(const BYTE *data, DWORD *length, const RECT *rect, const BYTE *expect);
extern DWORD compare_rgb16(const BYTE *data, DWORD *length, const RECT *rect, const BYTE *expect);
extern DWORD compare_pcm16(const BYTE *data, DWORD *length, const RECT *rect, const BYTE *expect);
typedef void (*dump_cb)(const BYTE *data, DWORD length, const RECT *rect, HANDLE output);
extern void dump_rgb32(const BYTE *data, DWORD length, const RECT *rect, HANDLE output);
extern void dump_rgb24(const BYTE *data, DWORD length, const RECT *rect, HANDLE output);
extern void dump_rgb16(const BYTE *data, DWORD length, const RECT *rect, HANDLE output);
extern void dump_nv12(const BYTE *data, DWORD length, const RECT *rect, HANDLE output);
extern void dump_i420(const BYTE *data, DWORD length, const RECT *rect, HANDLE output);
......@@ -99,6 +99,14 @@ rgb555frame.bmp RCDATA rgb555frame.bmp
/* @makedep: rgb555frame-flip.bmp */
rgb555frame-flip.bmp RCDATA rgb555frame-flip.bmp
/* Generated from running the tests on Windows */
/* @makedep: iv50frame.bin */
iv50frame.bin RCDATA iv50frame.bin
/* Generated from running the tests on Windows */
/* @makedep: rgb24frame.bmp */
rgb24frame.bmp RCDATA rgb24frame.bmp
/* Generated with:
* gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=60 pattern=smpte100 ! \
* video/x-raw,format=I420,width=64,height=64,framerate=30000/1001 ! \
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "wmcodecdsp.h"
#include "mediaerr.h"
#include "amvideo.h"
#include "vfw.h"
#include "mf_test.h"
......@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ DEFINE_GUID(MFVideoFormat_ABGR32,0x00000020,0x0000,0x0010,0x80,0x00,0x00,0xaa,0x
......@@ -888,6 +890,11 @@ DWORD compare_rgb32(const BYTE *data, DWORD *length, const RECT *rect, const BYT
return compare_rgb(data, length, rect, expect, 32);
DWORD compare_rgb24(const BYTE *data, DWORD *length, const RECT *rect, const BYTE *expect)
return compare_rgb(data, length, rect, expect, 24);
DWORD compare_rgb16(const BYTE *data, DWORD *length, const RECT *rect, const BYTE *expect)
return compare_rgb(data, length, rect, expect, 16);
......@@ -952,6 +959,11 @@ void dump_rgb32(const BYTE *data, DWORD length, const RECT *rect, HANDLE output)
return dump_rgb(data, length, rect, output, 32);
void dump_rgb24(const BYTE *data, DWORD length, const RECT *rect, HANDLE output)
return dump_rgb(data, length, rect, output, 24);
void dump_rgb16(const BYTE *data, DWORD length, const RECT *rect, HANDLE output)
return dump_rgb(data, length, rect, output, 16);
......@@ -7418,6 +7430,198 @@ failed:
static void test_iv50_encoder(void)
static const BITMAPINFOHEADER expect_iv50 =
.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),
.biWidth = 0x60, .biHeight = 0x60,
.biPlanes = 1, .biBitCount = 0x18,
.biCompression = mmioFOURCC('I','V','5','0'),
.biSizeImage = 0x5100,
const struct buffer_desc iv50_buffer_desc =
.length = 0x2e8,
const struct sample_desc iv50_sample_desc =
.buffer_count = 1, .buffers = &iv50_buffer_desc,
const BYTE *res_data;
BYTE rgb_data[0x6c00], iv50_data[0x5100];
BITMAPINFO rgb_info, iv50_info;
IMFCollection *collection;
DWORD flags, res_len, ret;
IMFSample *sample;
HIC hic;
load_resource(L"rgb555frame.bmp", (const BYTE **)&res_data, &res_len);
res_data += 2 + 3 * sizeof(DWORD);
res_len -= 2 + 3 * sizeof(DWORD);
rgb_info.bmiHeader = *(BITMAPINFOHEADER *)res_data;
memcpy(rgb_data, res_data + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), res_len - sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
hic = ICOpen(ICTYPE_VIDEO, expect_iv50.biCompression, ICMODE_COMPRESS);
if (!hic)
win_skip("ICOpen failed to created IV50 compressor.\n");
res = ICCompressQuery(hic, &rgb_info, NULL);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
if (res)
goto done;
res = ICCompressGetSize(hic, &rgb_info, NULL);
ok(res == expect_iv50.biSizeImage, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
res = ICCompressGetFormatSize(hic, &rgb_info);
ok(res == sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), "got res %#Ix\n", res);
res = ICCompressGetFormat(hic, &rgb_info, &iv50_info);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
check_member(iv50_info.bmiHeader, expect_iv50, "%#lx", biSize);
check_member(iv50_info.bmiHeader, expect_iv50, "%#lx", biWidth);
check_member(iv50_info.bmiHeader, expect_iv50, "%#lx", biHeight);
check_member(iv50_info.bmiHeader, expect_iv50, "%#x", biPlanes);
check_member(iv50_info.bmiHeader, expect_iv50, "%#x", biBitCount);
check_member(iv50_info.bmiHeader, expect_iv50, "%#lx", biCompression);
check_member(iv50_info.bmiHeader, expect_iv50, "%#lx", biSizeImage);
check_member(iv50_info.bmiHeader, expect_iv50, "%#lx", biXPelsPerMeter);
check_member(iv50_info.bmiHeader, expect_iv50, "%#lx", biYPelsPerMeter);
check_member(iv50_info.bmiHeader, expect_iv50, "%#lx", biClrUsed);
check_member(iv50_info.bmiHeader, expect_iv50, "%#lx", biClrImportant);
res = ICCompressQuery(hic, &rgb_info, &iv50_info);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
res = ICCompressBegin(hic, &rgb_info, &iv50_info);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
memset(iv50_data, 0xcd, sizeof(iv50_data));
res = ICCompress(hic, ICCOMPRESS_KEYFRAME, &iv50_info.bmiHeader, iv50_data, &rgb_info.bmiHeader, rgb_data,
NULL, &flags, 1, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
ok(flags == 0x10, "got flags %#lx\n", flags);
ok(iv50_info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage == 0x2e8, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
res = ICCompressEnd(hic);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
hr = MFCreateCollection(&collection);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr);
sample = create_sample(iv50_data, iv50_info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage);
ok(!!sample, "got sample %p\n", sample);
hr = IMFSample_SetSampleTime(sample, 0);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IMFSample_SetSampleDuration(sample, 0);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IMFCollection_AddElement(collection, (IUnknown *)sample);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr);
ret = check_mf_sample_collection(collection, &iv50_sample_desc, L"iv50frame.bin");
ok(ret == 0, "got %lu%% diff\n", ret);
res = ICClose(hic);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
static void test_iv50_decoder(void)
static const BITMAPINFOHEADER expect_iv50 =
.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),
.biWidth = 0x60, .biHeight = 0x60,
.biPlanes = 1, .biBitCount = 24,
.biCompression = mmioFOURCC('I','V','5','0'),
.biSizeImage = 0x2e8,
static const BITMAPINFOHEADER expect_rgb =
.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),
.biWidth = 0x60, .biHeight = 0x60,
.biPlanes = 1, .biBitCount = 24,
.biCompression = BI_RGB,
.biSizeImage = 96 * 96 * 3,
const struct buffer_desc rgb_buffer_desc =
.length = 96 * 96 * 3, .compare = compare_rgb24, .dump = dump_rgb24,
.rect = {.right = 82, .bottom = 84},
const struct sample_desc rgb_sample_desc =
.buffer_count = 1, .buffers = &rgb_buffer_desc,
const BYTE *res_data;
BYTE rgb_data[0x6c00], iv50_data[0x5100];
BITMAPINFO rgb_info, iv50_info;
IMFCollection *collection;
DWORD res_len, ret;
IMFSample *sample;
HIC hic;
load_resource(L"iv50frame.bin", (const BYTE **)&res_data, &res_len);
memcpy(iv50_data, res_data, res_len);
iv50_info.bmiHeader = expect_iv50;
hic = ICOpen(ICTYPE_VIDEO, expect_iv50.biCompression, ICMODE_DECOMPRESS);
if (!hic)
win_skip("ICOpen failed to created IV50 decompressor.\n");
res = ICDecompressGetFormat(hic, &iv50_info, &rgb_info);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
check_member(rgb_info.bmiHeader, expect_rgb, "%#lx", biSize);
check_member(rgb_info.bmiHeader, expect_rgb, "%#lx", biWidth);
check_member(rgb_info.bmiHeader, expect_rgb, "%#lx", biHeight);
check_member(rgb_info.bmiHeader, expect_rgb, "%#x", biPlanes);
check_member(rgb_info.bmiHeader, expect_rgb, "%#x", biBitCount);
check_member(rgb_info.bmiHeader, expect_rgb, "%#lx", biCompression);
check_member(rgb_info.bmiHeader, expect_rgb, "%#lx", biSizeImage);
check_member(rgb_info.bmiHeader, expect_rgb, "%#lx", biXPelsPerMeter);
check_member(rgb_info.bmiHeader, expect_rgb, "%#lx", biYPelsPerMeter);
check_member(rgb_info.bmiHeader, expect_rgb, "%#lx", biClrUsed);
check_member(rgb_info.bmiHeader, expect_rgb, "%#lx", biClrImportant);
rgb_info.bmiHeader = expect_rgb;
res = ICDecompressBegin(hic, &iv50_info, &rgb_info);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
res = ICDecompress(hic, 0, &iv50_info.bmiHeader, iv50_data, &rgb_info.bmiHeader, rgb_data);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
res = ICDecompressEnd(hic);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
res = ICClose(hic);
ok(!res, "got res %#Ix\n", res);
hr = MFCreateCollection(&collection);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr);
sample = create_sample(rgb_data, rgb_info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage);
ok(!!sample, "got sample %p\n", sample);
hr = IMFSample_SetSampleTime(sample, 0);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IMFSample_SetSampleDuration(sample, 0);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr);
hr = IMFCollection_AddElement(collection, (IUnknown *)sample);
ok(hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr);
ret = check_mf_sample_collection(collection, &rgb_sample_desc, L"rgb24frame.bmp");
ok(ret <= 4, "got %lu%% diff\n", ret);
......@@ -7436,5 +7640,8 @@ START_TEST(transform)
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