Commit 5edcae42 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

makefiles: Store resource files in a separate array.

parent 1459a010
......@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ struct makefile
struct strarray uninstall_files;
struct strarray object_files;
struct strarray crossobj_files;
struct strarray res_files;
struct strarray c2man_files;
struct strarray dlldata_files;
struct strarray implib_objs;
......@@ -2567,8 +2568,7 @@ static void output_source_rc( struct makefile *make, struct incl_file *source, c
unsigned int i;
if (source->file->flags & FLAG_GENERATED) strarray_add( &make->clean_files, source->name );
strarray_add( &make->object_files, strmake( "%s.res", obj ));
if (crosstarget) strarray_add( &make->crossobj_files, strmake( "%s.res", obj ));
strarray_add( &make->res_files, strmake( "%s.res", obj ));
output( "%s.res: %s\n", obj_dir_path( make, obj ), source->filename );
output( "\t%s -o $@", tools_path( make, "wrc" ) );
if (make->is_win16) output_filename( "-m16" );
......@@ -2622,8 +2622,7 @@ static void output_source_mc( struct makefile *make, struct incl_file *source, c
unsigned int i;
strarray_add( &make->object_files, strmake( "%s.res", obj ));
if (crosstarget) strarray_add( &make->crossobj_files, strmake( "%s.res", obj ));
strarray_add( &make->res_files, strmake( "%s.res", obj ));
strarray_add( &make->clean_files, strmake( "%s.pot", obj ));
output( "%s.res: %s\n", obj_dir_path( make, obj ), source->filename );
output( "\t%s -U -O res -o $@ %s", tools_path( make, "wmc" ), source->filename );
......@@ -2652,8 +2651,7 @@ static void output_source_mc( struct makefile *make, struct incl_file *source, c
static void output_source_res( struct makefile *make, struct incl_file *source, const char *obj )
strarray_add( &make->object_files, source->name );
if (crosstarget) strarray_add( &make->crossobj_files, source->name );
strarray_add( &make->res_files, source->name );
......@@ -2883,8 +2881,7 @@ static void output_source_spec( struct makefile *make, struct incl_file *source,
obj_name = strmake( "%s%s", obj_dir_path( make, obj ), crosstarget ? ".cross.o" : ".o" );
strarray_add( &make->clean_files, dll_name );
strarray_add( &make->object_files, strmake( "%s.res", obj ));
if (crosstarget) strarray_add( &make->crossobj_files, strmake( "%s.res", obj ));
strarray_add( &make->res_files, strmake( "%s.res", obj ));
output( "%s.res: %s\n", obj_dir_path( make, obj ), obj_dir_path( make, dll_name ));
output( "\techo \"%s.dll TESTDLL \\\"%s\\\"\" | %s -o $@\n", obj,
obj_dir_path( make, dll_name ), tools_path( make, "wrc" ));
......@@ -3101,6 +3098,7 @@ static void output_module( struct makefile *make )
if (spec_file) output_filename( spec_file );
output_filenames_obj_dir( make, make->object_files );
output_filenames_obj_dir( make, make->res_files );
output_filenames( dep_libs );
output_filename( tools_path( make, "winebuild" ));
output_filename( tools_path( make, "winegcc" ));
......@@ -3113,6 +3111,7 @@ static void output_module( struct makefile *make )
else output_filenames( make->appmode );
output_filenames_obj_dir( make, make->object_files );
output_filenames_obj_dir( make, make->res_files );
output_filenames( all_libs );
output_filename( "$(LDFLAGS)" );
output( "\n" );
......@@ -3260,6 +3259,7 @@ static void output_test_module( struct makefile *make )
output_winegcc_command( make, !!crosstarget );
output_filenames( make->appmode );
output_filenames_obj_dir( make, crosstarget ? make->crossobj_files : make->object_files );
output_filenames_obj_dir( make, make->res_files );
output_filenames( all_libs );
output_filename( "$(LDFLAGS)" );
output( "\n" );
......@@ -3269,11 +3269,13 @@ static void output_test_module( struct makefile *make )
output_filename( strmake( "-Wb,-F,%s", testmodule ));
output_filenames( make->appmode );
output_filenames_obj_dir( make, crosstarget ? make->crossobj_files : make->object_files );
output_filenames_obj_dir( make, make->res_files );
output_filenames( all_libs );
output_filename( "$(LDFLAGS)" );
output( "\n" );
output( "%s%s %s%s:", obj_dir_path( make, testmodule ), ext, obj_dir_path( make, stripped ), ext );
output_filenames_obj_dir( make, crosstarget ? make->crossobj_files : make->object_files );
output_filenames_obj_dir( make, make->res_files );
output_filenames( dep_libs );
output_filename( tools_path( make, "winebuild" ));
output_filename( tools_path( make, "winegcc" ));
......@@ -3621,7 +3623,7 @@ static void output_sources( struct makefile *make )
if (top_makefile->submakes[i]->testdll && !top_makefile->submakes[i]->disabled)
strarray_add( &tests, top_makefile->submakes[i]->testdll );
for (i = 0; i < tests.count; i++)
strarray_add( &make->object_files, replace_extension( tests.str[i], ".dll", "_test.res" ));
strarray_add( &make->res_files, replace_extension( tests.str[i], ".dll", "_test.res" ));
if (make->dlldata_files.count)
......@@ -3674,7 +3676,8 @@ static void output_sources( struct makefile *make )
strarray_addall( &make->clean_files, make->object_files );
strarray_addall_uniq( &make->clean_files, make->crossobj_files );
strarray_addall( &make->clean_files, make->crossobj_files );
strarray_addall( &make->clean_files, make->res_files );
strarray_addall( &make->clean_files, make->all_targets );
strarray_addall( &make->clean_files, make->extra_targets );
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