Commit 7339c04b authored by Aric Stewart's avatar Aric Stewart Committed by Alexandre Julliard

usp10: Shift to using the unicode data for most of the indic lexical functions.

parent 95166855
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ C_SRCS = \
bidi.c \
breaking.c \
indic.c \
indicsyllable.c \
linebreak.c \
mirror.c \
shape.c \
......@@ -115,6 +115,49 @@ my %ctype =
"defin" => 0x0200
my %indic_types =
"Other" => 0x0000,
"Bindu" => 0x0001,
"Visarga" => 0x0002,
"Avagraha" => 0x0003,
"Nukta" => 0x0004,
"Virama" => 0x0005,
"Vowel_Independent" => 0x0006,
"Vowel_Dependent" => 0x0007,
"Vowel" => 0x0008,
"Consonant_Placeholder" => 0x0009,
"Consonant" => 0x000a,
"Consonant_Dead" => 0x000b,
"Consonant_Repha" => 0x000c,
"Consonant_Subjoined" => 0x000d,
"Consonant_Medial" => 0x000e,
"Consonant_Final" => 0x000f,
"Consonant_Head_Letter" => 0x0010,
"Modifying_Letter" => 0x0011,
"Tone_Letter" => 0x0012,
"Tone_Mark" => 0x0013,
"Register_Shifter" => 0x0014
my %matra_types =
"Right" => 0x01,
"Left" => 0x02,
"Visual_Order_Left" => 0x03,
"Left_And_Right" => 0x04,
"Top" => 0x05,
"Bottom" => 0x06,
"Top_And_Bottom" => 0x07,
"Top_And_Right" => 0x08,
"Top_And_Left" => 0x09,
"Top_And_Left_And_Right" => 0x0a,
"Bottom_And_Right" => 0x0b,
"Top_And_Bottom_And_Right" => 0x0c,
"Overstruck" => 0x0d,
"Invisible" => 0x0e
my %break_types =
"BK" => 0x0001,
......@@ -1002,6 +1045,87 @@ sub get_lb_ranges()
# dump the Indic Syllabic Category table
sub dump_indic($)
my $filename = shift;
my @indic_table = ($indic_types{'Other'}) x 65536;;
my $INPUT = open_data_file "$UNIDATA/IndicSyllabicCategory.txt";
while (<$INPUT>)
next if /^\#/; # skip comments
next if /^\s*$/; # skip empty lines
next if /\x1a/; # skip ^Z
if (/^\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*;\s*([a-zA-Z_]+)\s*#/)
my $type = $2;
die "unknown indic $type" unless defined $indic_types{$type};
if (hex $1 < 65536)
$indic_table[hex $1] = $indic_types{$type};
elsif (/^\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)..\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*;\s*([A-Za-z_]+)\s*#/)
my $type = $3;
die "unknown indic $type" unless defined $indic_types{$type};
if (hex $1 < 65536 and hex $2 < 6536)
foreach my $i (hex $1 .. hex $2)
$indic_table[$i] = $indic_types{$type};
die "malformed line $_";
close $INPUT;
$INPUT = open_data_file "$UNIDATA/IndicMatraCategory.txt";
while (<$INPUT>)
next if /^\#/; # skip comments
next if /^\s*$/; # skip empty lines
next if /\x1a/; # skip ^Z
if (/^\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*;\s*([a-zA-Z]+)\s*#/)
my $type = $2;
die "unknown matra $type" unless defined $matra_types{$type};
$indic_table[hex $1] += $matra_types{$type} << 8;
elsif (/^\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)..\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*;\s*([A-Za-z_]+)\s*#/)
my $type = $3;
die "unknown matra $type" unless defined $matra_types{$type};
foreach my $i (hex $1 .. hex $2)
$indic_table[$i] += $matra_types{$type} << 8;
die "malformed line $_";
close $INPUT;
open OUTPUT,">$" or die "Cannot create $filename";
print "Building $filename\n";
print OUTPUT "/* Unicode Indic Syllabic Category */\n";
print OUTPUT "/* generated from $UNIDATA/IndicSyllabicCategory.txt */\n";
print OUTPUT "/* and from $UNIDATA/IndicMatraCategory.txt */\n";
print OUTPUT "/* DO NOT EDIT!! */\n\n";
print OUTPUT "#include \"wine/unicode.h\"\n\n";
dump_simple_mapping( "indic_syllabic_table", @indic_table);
close OUTPUT;
# dump the Line Break Properties table
sub dump_linebreak($)
......@@ -1734,6 +1858,7 @@ DUMP_CTYPE_TABLES( "wctype.c" );
dump_mirroring( "../../dlls/usp10/mirror.c" );
dump_shaping( "../../dlls/usp10/shaping.c" );
dump_linebreak( "../../dlls/usp10/linebreak.c" );
dump_indic( "../../dlls/usp10/indicsyllable.c" );
foreach my $file (@allfiles) { HANDLE_FILE( @{$file} ); }
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