rem Note: setlocal EnableDelayedExtension already tested in the variable delayed expansion test section
mkdir foobar & cd foobar
echo ...enable/disable extensions
setlocal DisableEXTensions
echo ErrLev: %ErrorLevel%
echo ErrLev: %ErrorLevel%
echo @echo off> tmp.cmd
echo echo ErrLev: %%ErrorLevel%%>> tmp.cmd
rem Enabled by default
cmd /C tmp.cmd
cmd /E:OfF /C tmp.cmd
cmd /e:oN /C tmp.cmd
rem FIXME: creating file before setting envvar value to prevent parsing-time evaluation (due to EnableDelayedExpansion not being implemented/available yet)
echo ...setlocal with corresponding endlocal
echo @echo off> test.cmd
echo echo %%VAR%%>> test.cmd
echo setlocal>> test.cmd
echo set VAR=localval>> test.cmd
echo echo %%VAR%%>> test.cmd
echo endlocal>> test.cmd
echo echo %%VAR%%>> test.cmd
set VAR=globalval
call test.cmd
echo %VAR%
set VAR=
echo ...setlocal with no corresponding endlocal
echo @echo off> test.cmd
echo echo %%VAR%%>> test.cmd
echo setlocal>> test.cmd
echo set VAR=localval>> test.cmd
echo echo %%VAR%%>> test.cmd
set VAR=globalval
call test.cmd
echo %VAR%
set VAR=
cd ..
rd /q/s foobar
echo -----------Testing Errorlevel-----------
rem WARNING: Do *not* add tests using ErrorLevel after this section