Commit 950a0f87 authored by Alexandre Julliard's avatar Alexandre Julliard

makefiles: Generate the import library rules from configure.

parent b6c275b1
......@@ -191,10 +191,32 @@ m4_popdef([ac_dir])])
dnl **** Create a dll makefile from config.status ****
dnl Usage: WINE_CONFIG_DLL(name,enable)
dnl Usage: WINE_CONFIG_DLL(name,enable,implib,implibsrc)
[m4_ifval([$3],[m4_ifval([$2],[test "x$[$2]" = xno || ])ALL_IMPORT_LIBS="$ALL_IMPORT_LIBS \\
m4_if($1,$3,,[ \\
m4_ifval([$4],[ \\
m4_if($1,$3,,[lib$3.a: $1/lib$3.a
\$(RM) \$[@] && \$(LN_S) $1/lib$3.a \$[@]
lib$3.cross.a: $1/lib$3.cross.a
\$(RM) \$[@] && \$(LN_S) $1/lib$3.cross.a \$[@]
lib$3.def: $1/lib$3.def
\$(RM) \$[@] && \$(LN_S) $1/lib$3.def \$[@]
\$(RM) lib$3.def
])m4_ifval([$4],[$1/lib$3.def: $1/$1.spec \$(WINEBUILD)
@cd $1 && \$(MAKE) \`basename \$[@]\`
$1/lib$3.$STATIC_IMPLIBEXT $1/lib$3.cross.a: dummy
@cd $1 && \$(MAKE) \`basename \$[@]\`],
[$1/lib$3.def $1/lib$3.a $1/lib$3.cross.a: $1/$1.spec \$(WINEBUILD)
@cd $1 && \$(MAKE) \`basename \$[@]\`])"
dnl **** Create a program makefile from config.status ****
......@@ -360,7 +360,12 @@ sub update_makefiles(@)
if ($rules eq $makerules{"MAKE_DLL_RULES"})
(my $name = $file) =~ s/^dlls\/(.*)\/Makefile/$1/;
$args .= ",enable_win16" if $is_win16;
my $implib = $make{"IMPORTLIB"} || "";
my $implib_srcs = defined($make{"IMPLIB_SRCS"}) && join( " ", @{$make{"IMPLIB_SRCS"}} );
$args .= "," if $implib || $is_win16;
$args .= "enable_win16" if $is_win16;
$args .= ",[$implib]" if $implib;
$args .= ",[$implib_srcs]" if $implib_srcs;
push @lines, "WINE_CONFIG_DLL($name$args)\n";
elsif ($rules eq $makerules{"MAKE_PROG_RULES"})
......@@ -434,154 +439,18 @@ sub update_ignores(@)
push @ignores, $makefile{"=dir"} . $f unless $f =~ /\$\(.*\)/; # skip make variables
return @ignores;
# update dlls/
sub update_dlls(@)
my (%directories, %importlibs, %static_implibs, %staticlib_dirs, %altnames);
my $text = "";
my @ignores = ();
foreach my $make (@_)
my %makefile = %{$makefiles{$make}};
next if ($makefile{"=rules"} eq $makerules{"MAKE_TEST_RULES"});
next unless defined $makefile{"MODULE"};
my $module = $makefile{"MODULE"};
(my $dir = $makefile{"=dir"}) =~ s/^dlls\/(.*)\//$1/;
if ($makefile{"=rules"} eq $makerules{"MAKE_IMPLIB_RULES"})
$staticlib_dirs{$module} = $dir;
die "invalid module $module in dir $staticlib_dirs{$module}\n" if "$staticlib_dirs{$module}" ne $module;
die "invalid module $module" unless $module =~ /\./;
(my $mod = $module) =~ s/\.dll$//;
die "invalid directory $dir for module $module\n" unless $mod eq $dir;
$directories{$module} = $dir;
if (defined $makefile{"IMPORTLIB"})
if ($makefile{"IMPORTLIB"} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)/)
$importlibs{$module} = $1;
if ("dlls/$1/" ne $makefile{"=dir"}) { push @ignores, "dlls/lib$1.def"; }
die "invalid importlib name $makefile{IMPORTLIB} in $make";
die "invalid importlib name $makefile{IMPORTLIB} in $file";
$static_implibs{$module} = 1 if defined $makefile{"IMPLIB_SRCS"};
$text .= "\@MAKE_RULES\@\n\n";
# output the all: target
$text .= "# Main target\n\n";
$text .= "all: \$(BUILDSUBDIRS)\n\n";
# output the import libraries rules
$text .= "# Import libraries\n\n";
$text .= "STATIC_IMPLIBEXT = \$(IMPLIBEXT:def=def.a)\n\n";
my @lib_symlinks = ();
foreach my $mod (sort keys %importlibs)
my $dir = $directories{$mod};
my $lib = $importlibs{$mod};
if ($lib ne $dir) { push @lib_symlinks, $mod; }
$text .= "IMPORT_SYMLINKS =";
foreach my $mod (sort @lib_symlinks)
$text .= sprintf " \\\n\tlib%s.\$(IMPLIBEXT)", $importlibs{$mod};
$text .= "\n\nSTATIC_LIBS = \@ALL_STATIC_LIBS\@\n";
foreach my $mod (sort keys %importlibs)
$text .= " \\\n\t$directories{$mod}/lib$importlibs{$mod}.\$(IMPLIBEXT)";
next unless defined $static_implibs{$mod};
$text .= " \\\n\t$directories{$mod}/lib$importlibs{$mod}.\$(STATIC_IMPLIBEXT)";
$text .= "\n\nCROSS_IMPLIBS = \$(STATIC_LIBS:.a=.cross.a)";
foreach my $mod (sort @lib_symlinks)
next if $mod =~ /16$/;
$text .= sprintf " \\\n\tlib%s.cross.a", $importlibs{$mod};
foreach my $mod (sort keys %importlibs)
next if $mod =~ /16$/;
next if defined $static_implibs{$mod};
$text .= " \\\n\t$directories{$mod}/lib$importlibs{$mod}.cross.a";
$text .= "\n\n";
$text .= "\$(TESTSUBDIRS:%=%/__crosstest__): \$(CROSS_IMPLIBS)\n\n";
$text .= "implib: \$(IMPORT_LIBS)\n\n";
$text .= "testsubdirs: \$(TESTSUBDIRS)\n\n";
$text .= ".PHONY: implib testsubdirs\n\n";
foreach my $mod (sort keys %importlibs)
my $dir = $directories{$mod};
my $lib = $importlibs{$mod};
my $spec = $mod;
$spec =~ s/\.dll$//;
if (defined($static_implibs{$mod}))
$text .= sprintf "%s/lib%s.def: %s/%s.spec \$(WINEBUILD)\n", $dir, $lib, $dir, $spec;
$text .= sprintf "\t\@cd %s && \$(MAKE) lib%s.def\n\n", $dir, $lib;
$text .= sprintf "%s/lib%s.\$(STATIC_IMPLIBEXT) %s/lib%s.cross.a: dummy\n", $dir, $lib, $dir, $lib, $dir, $spec;
$text .= sprintf "\t\@cd %s && \$(MAKE) lib%s.\$(STATIC_IMPLIBEXT)\n\n", $dir, $lib;
$text .= sprintf "%s/lib%s.def %s/lib%s.a %s/lib%s.cross.a: %s/%s.spec \$(WINEBUILD)\n",
$dir, $lib, $dir, $lib, $dir, $lib, $dir, $spec;
$text .= sprintf "\t\@cd %s && \$(MAKE) `basename \$\@`\n\n", $dir;
foreach my $mod (sort @lib_symlinks)
my $dir = $directories{$mod};
my $lib = "lib" . $importlibs{$mod};
$text .= sprintf "%s.a: %s/%s.a\n", $lib, $dir, $lib;
$text .= sprintf "\t\$(RM) \$@ && \$(LN_S) %s/%s.a \$@\n\n", $dir, $lib;
$text .= sprintf "%s.cross.a: %s/%s.cross.a\n", $lib, $dir, $lib;
$text .= sprintf "\t\$(RM) \$@ && \$(LN_S) %s/%s.cross.a \$@\n\n", $dir, $lib;
$text .= sprintf "%s.def: %s/%s.def\n", $lib, $dir, $lib;
$text .= sprintf "\t\$(RM) \$@ && \$(LN_S) %s/%s.def \$@\n\n", $dir, $lib;
$text .= "\$(BUILDSUBDIRS): \$(IMPORT_LIBS)\n";
$text .= "\$(INSTALLSUBDIRS:%=%/__install__) \$(INSTALLSUBDIRS:%=%/__install-lib__): \$(IMPORT_LIBS)\n\n";
$text .= "\@ALL_IMPORTLIB_RULES\@\n";
$text .= "\n# Misc rules\n";
replace_in_file( "dlls/",
'^# Misc rules',
$text );
# .gitignore file
foreach my $mod (sort @lib_symlinks)
push @ignores, "dlls/lib$importlibs{$mod}.def";
return @ignores;
......@@ -676,5 +545,4 @@ assign_sources_to_makefiles();
update_makefiles( @makefiles );
push @ignores, update_includes();
push @ignores, update_ignores( @makefiles );
push @ignores, update_dlls( sort grep /^dlls\//, @makefiles );
update_gitignore( @ignores );
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