Commit 973ed257 authored by Michael Skorokhodov's avatar Michael Skorokhodov Committed by Alexandre Julliard

win32u: Add DriverVersion string for GPUs to registry.

Some applications (e.g. UE4) require the DriverVersion string in the registry. Signed-off-by: 's avatarMykhailo Skorokhodov <>
parent 40f06d46
......@@ -1230,6 +1230,8 @@ static void add_gpu( const struct gdi_gpu *gpu, void *param )
static const WCHAR ramdacW[] =
{'I','n','t','e','r','g','r','a','t','e','d',' ','R','A','M','D','A','C',0};
static const WCHAR driver_dateW[] = {'D','r','i','v','e','r','D','a','t','e',0};
static const WCHAR driver_versionW[] =
TRACE( "%s %04X %04X %08X %02X\n", debugstr_w(gpu->name),
gpu->vendor_id, gpu->device_id, gpu->subsys_id, gpu->revision_id );
......@@ -1374,6 +1376,31 @@ static void add_gpu( const struct gdi_gpu *gpu, void *param )
set_reg_value( hkey, chip_typeW, REG_BINARY, desc, size );
set_reg_value( hkey, dac_typeW, REG_BINARY, ramdacW, sizeof(ramdacW) );
if (gpu->vendor_id && gpu->device_id)
/* The last seven digits are the driver number. */
switch (gpu->vendor_id)
/* Intel */
case 0x8086:
sprintf( buffer, "" );
/* AMD */
case 0x1002:
sprintf( buffer, "31.0.14051.5006" );
/* Nvidia */
case 0x10de:
sprintf( buffer, "" );
/* Default value for any other vendor. */
sprintf( buffer, "" );
set_reg_value( hkey, driver_versionW, REG_SZ, bufferW, asciiz_to_unicode( bufferW, buffer ) );
NtClose( hkey );
link_device( ctx->gpuid, guid_devinterface_display_adapterW );
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