Commit a75d9428 authored by Piotr Caban's avatar Piotr Caban Committed by Alexandre Julliard

msvcp90: Added ctype<wchar_t>::widen functions implementation.

parent 138db092
......@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ _Collvec __cdecl _Getcoll(void)
/* ?_Getcoll@_Locinfo@std@@QBE?AU_Collvec@@XZ */
/* ?_Getcoll@_Locinfo@std@@QEBA?AU_Collvec@@XZ */
_Collvec __thiscall _Locinfo__Getcoll(const _Locinfo *this)
return _Getcoll();
......@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ _Cvtvec __cdecl _Getcvt(void)
/* ?_Getcvt@_Locinfo@std@@QBE?AU_Cvtvec@@XZ */
/* ?_Getcvt@_Locinfo@std@@QEBA?AU_Cvtvec@@XZ */
_Cvtvec __thiscall _Locinfo__Getcvt(const _Locinfo *this)
return _Getcvt();
......@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ basic_string_char __thiscall _Locinfo__Getname(const _Locinfo *this)
/* ?_Gettnames@_Locinfo@std@@QBE?AV_Timevec@2@XZ */
/* ?_Gettnames@_Locinfo@std@@QEBA?AV_Timevec@2@XZ */
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(_Locinfo__Gettnames, 4)
_Timevec __thiscall _Locinfo__Gettnames(const _Locinfo *this)
_Timevec ret;
......@@ -1957,6 +1957,75 @@ const wchar_t* __thiscall ctype_wchar__Narrow_s(const ctype_wchar *this, const w
return call_ctype_wchar__Do_narrow_s(this, first, last, dflt, dest, size);
/* _Mbrtowc */
int __cdecl _Mbrtowc(wchar_t *out, const char *in, MSVCP_size_t len, int *state, const _Cvtvec *cvt)
int i, cp;
CPINFO cp_info;
BOOL is_lead;
TRACE("(%p %p %lu %p %p)\n", out, in, len, state, cvt);
return 0;
cp = cvt->page;
cp = ___lc_codepage_func();
if(!cp) {
*out = (unsigned char)*in;
*state = 0;
return *in ? 1 : 0;
if(*state) {
((char*)state)[1] = *in;
if(!MultiByteToWideChar(cp, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, (char*)state, 2, out, out ? 1 : 0)) {
*state = 0;
*_errno() = EILSEQ;
return -1;
*state = 0;
return 2;
GetCPInfo(cp, &cp_info);
is_lead = FALSE;
for(i=0; i<MAX_LEADBYTES; i+=2) {
if((unsigned char)*in>=cp_info.LeadByte[i] && (unsigned char)*in<=cp_info.LeadByte[i+1]) {
is_lead = TRUE;
if(is_lead) {
if(len == 1) {
*state = (unsigned char)*in;
return -2;
if(!MultiByteToWideChar(cp, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, in, 2, out, out ? 1 : 0)) {
*_errno() = EILSEQ;
return -1;
return 2;
if(!MultiByteToWideChar(cp, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, in, 1, out, out ? 1 : 0)) {
*_errno() = EILSEQ;
return -1;
return 1;
/* ?_Dowiden@?$ctype@_W@std@@IBE_WD@Z */
/* ?_Dowiden@?$ctype@_W@std@@IEBA_WD@Z */
/* ?_Dowiden@?$ctype@G@std@@IBEGD@Z */
......@@ -1964,8 +2033,10 @@ const wchar_t* __thiscall ctype_wchar__Narrow_s(const ctype_wchar *this, const w
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(ctype_wchar__Dowiden, 8)
wchar_t __thiscall ctype_wchar__Dowiden(const ctype_wchar *this, char ch)
FIXME("(%p %d) stub\n", this, ch);
return 0;
wchar_t ret;
int state = 0;
TRACE("(%p %d)\n", this, ch);
return _Mbrtowc(&ret, &ch, 1, &state, &this->cvt)<0 ? WEOF : ret;
/* ?do_widen@?$ctype@_W@std@@MBE_WD@Z */
......@@ -1973,10 +2044,11 @@ wchar_t __thiscall ctype_wchar__Dowiden(const ctype_wchar *this, char ch)
/* ?do_widen@?$ctype@G@std@@MBEGD@Z */
/* ?do_widen@?$ctype@G@std@@MEBAGD@Z */
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(ctype_wchar_do_widen_ch, 8)
#define call_ctype_wchar_do_widen_ch(this, ch) CALL_VTBL_FUNC(this, 40, \
wchar_t, (const ctype_wchar*, char), (this, ch))
wchar_t __thiscall ctype_wchar_do_widen_ch(const ctype_wchar *this, char ch)
FIXME("(%p %d) stub\n", this, ch);
return 0;
return ctype_wchar__Dowiden(this, ch);
/* ?do_widen@?$ctype@_W@std@@MBEPBDPBD0PA_W@Z */
......@@ -1984,11 +2056,16 @@ wchar_t __thiscall ctype_wchar_do_widen_ch(const ctype_wchar *this, char ch)
/* ?do_widen@?$ctype@G@std@@MBEPBDPBD0PAG@Z */
/* ?do_widen@?$ctype@G@std@@MEBAPEBDPEBD0PEAG@Z */
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(ctype_wchar_do_widen, 16)
#define call_ctype_wchar_do_widen(this, first, last, dest) CALL_VTBL_FUNC(this, 36, \
const char*, (const ctype_wchar*, const char*, const char*, wchar_t*), \
(this, first, last, dest))
const char* __thiscall ctype_wchar_do_widen(const ctype_wchar *this,
const char *first, const char *last, wchar_t *dest)
FIXME("(%p %p %p %p) stub\n", this, first, last, dest);
return NULL;
TRACE("(%p %p %p %p)\n", this, first, last, dest);
for(; first<last; first++)
*dest++ = ctype_wchar__Dowiden(this, *first);
return last;
/* ?_Do_widen_s@?$ctype@_W@std@@MBEPBDPBD0PA_WI@Z */
......@@ -1996,11 +2073,18 @@ const char* __thiscall ctype_wchar_do_widen(const ctype_wchar *this,
/* ?_Do_widen_s@?$ctype@G@std@@MBEPBDPBD0PAGI@Z */
/* ?_Do_widen_s@?$ctype@G@std@@MEBAPEBDPEBD0PEAG_K@Z */
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(ctype_wchar__Do_widen_s, 20)
#define call_ctype_wchar__Do_widen_s(this, first, last, dest, size) CALL_VTBL_FUNC(this, 44, \
const char*, (const ctype_wchar*, const char*, const char*, wchar_t*, MSVCP_size_t), \
(this, first, last, dest, size))
const char* __thiscall ctype_wchar__Do_widen_s(const ctype_wchar *this,
const char *first, const char *last, wchar_t *dest, MSVCP_size_t size)
FIXME("(%p %p %p %p %lu) stub\n", this, first, last, dest, size);
return NULL;
TRACE("(%p %p %p %p %lu)\n", this, first, last, dest, size);
/* This function converts all multi-byte characters to WEOF,
* thanks to it result size is known before converting */
if(size < last-first)
return ctype_wchar_do_widen(this, first, last, dest);
/* ?widen@?$ctype@_W@std@@QBE_WD@Z */
......@@ -2010,8 +2094,8 @@ const char* __thiscall ctype_wchar__Do_widen_s(const ctype_wchar *this,
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(ctype_wchar_widen_ch, 8)
wchar_t __thiscall ctype_wchar_widen_ch(const ctype_wchar *this, char ch)
FIXME("(%p %d) stub\n", this, ch);
return 0;
TRACE("(%p %d)\n", this, ch);
return call_ctype_wchar_do_widen_ch(this, ch);
/* ?widen@?$ctype@_W@std@@QBEPBDPBD0PA_W@Z */
......@@ -2022,8 +2106,8 @@ DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(ctype_wchar_widen, 16)
const char* __thiscall ctype_wchar_widen(const ctype_wchar *this,
const char *first, const char *last, wchar_t *dest)
FIXME("(%p %p %p %p) stub\n", this, first, last, dest);
return NULL;
TRACE("(%p %p %p %p)\n", this, first, last, dest);
return call_ctype_wchar_do_widen(this, first, last, dest);
/* ?_Widen_s@?$ctype@_W@std@@QBEPBDPBD0PA_WI@Z */
......@@ -2034,8 +2118,8 @@ DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(ctype_wchar__Widen_s, 20)
const char* __thiscall ctype_wchar__Widen_s(const ctype_wchar *this,
const char *first, const char *last, wchar_t *dest, MSVCP_size_t size)
FIXME("(%p %p %p %p %lu) stub\n", this, first, last, dest, size);
return NULL;
TRACE("(%p %p %p %p %lu)\n", this, first, last, dest, size);
return call_ctype_wchar__Do_widen_s(this, first, last, dest, size);
/* ?_Getcat@?$ctype@_W@std@@SAIPAPBVfacet@locale@2@PBV42@@Z */
......@@ -2301,12 +2301,12 @@
@ stub -arch=win64 ?_Getcat@?$time_put@_WV?$ostreambuf_iterator@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@@std@@@std@@SA_KPEAPEBVfacet@locale@2@PEBV42@@Z
@ cdecl -arch=win32 ?_Getcat@facet@locale@std@@SAIPAPBV123@PBV23@@Z(ptr ptr) locale_facet__Getcat
@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_Getcat@facet@locale@std@@SA_KPEAPEBV123@PEBV23@@Z(ptr ptr) locale_facet__Getcat
@ thiscall -arch=win32 ?_Getcoll@_Locinfo@std@@QBE?AU_Collvec@@XZ(ptr) _Locinfo__Getcoll
@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_Getcoll@_Locinfo@std@@QEBA?AU_Collvec@@XZ(ptr) _Locinfo__Getcoll
@ thiscall -arch=win32 ?_Getcoll@_Locinfo@std@@QBE?AU_Collvec@@XZ(ptr ptr) _Locinfo__Getcoll
@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_Getcoll@_Locinfo@std@@QEBA?AU_Collvec@@XZ(ptr ptr) _Locinfo__Getcoll
@ thiscall -arch=win32 ?_Getctype@_Locinfo@std@@QBE?AU_Ctypevec@@XZ(ptr ptr) _Locinfo__Getctype
@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_Getctype@_Locinfo@std@@QEBA?AU_Ctypevec@@XZ(ptr ptr) _Locinfo__Getctype
@ thiscall -arch=win32 ?_Getcvt@_Locinfo@std@@QBE?AU_Cvtvec@@XZ(ptr) _Locinfo__Getcvt
@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_Getcvt@_Locinfo@std@@QEBA?AU_Cvtvec@@XZ(ptr) _Locinfo__Getcvt
@ thiscall -arch=win32 ?_Getcvt@_Locinfo@std@@QBE?AU_Cvtvec@@XZ(ptr ptr) _Locinfo__Getcvt
@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_Getcvt@_Locinfo@std@@QEBA?AU_Cvtvec@@XZ(ptr ptr) _Locinfo__Getcvt
@ thiscall -arch=win32 ?_Getdateorder@_Locinfo@std@@QBEHXZ(ptr) _Locinfo__Getdateorder
@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_Getdateorder@_Locinfo@std@@QEBAHXZ(ptr) _Locinfo__Getdateorder
@ thiscall -arch=win32 ?_Getdays@_Locinfo@std@@QBEPBDXZ(ptr) _Locinfo__Getdays
......@@ -2361,7 +2361,7 @@
@ stub -arch=win64 ?_Getstate@?$basic_stringbuf@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@AEAAHH@Z
@ stub -arch=win32 ?_Getstate@?$basic_stringbuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@V?$allocator@_W@2@@std@@AAEHH@Z
@ stub -arch=win64 ?_Getstate@?$basic_stringbuf@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@V?$allocator@_W@2@@std@@AEAAHH@Z
@ thiscall -arch=win32 ?_Gettnames@_Locinfo@std@@QBE?AV_Timevec@2@XZ(ptr) _Locinfo__Gettnames
@ thiscall -arch=win32 ?_Gettnames@_Locinfo@std@@QBE?AV_Timevec@2@XZ(ptr ptr) _Locinfo__Gettnames
@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_Gettnames@_Locinfo@std@@QEBA?AV_Timevec@2@XZ(ptr) _Locinfo__Gettnames
@ thiscall -arch=win32 ?_Gettrue@_Locinfo@std@@QBEPBDXZ(ptr) _Locinfo__Gettrue
@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_Gettrue@_Locinfo@std@@QEBAPEBDXZ(ptr) _Locinfo__Gettrue
......@@ -5772,7 +5772,7 @@
@ extern _LSnan
# extern _LXbig
@ extern _LZero
@ stub _Mbrtowc
@ cdecl _Mbrtowc(ptr ptr long ptr ptr)
@ stub _Mtxdst
@ stub _Mtxinit
@ stub _Mtxlock
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