Commit a87d0211 authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

ntdll: Cleanup and rename HEAP_MakeInUseBlockFree to free_used_block.

parent 66036eff
......@@ -708,70 +708,51 @@ static void create_free_block( SUBHEAP *subheap, struct block *block, SIZE_T blo
* HEAP_MakeInUseBlockFree
* Turn an in-use block into a free block. Can also decommit the end of
* the heap, and possibly even free the sub-heap altogether.
static void HEAP_MakeInUseBlockFree( SUBHEAP *subheap, ARENA_INUSE *pArena )
static void free_used_block( SUBHEAP *subheap, struct block *block )
HEAP *heap = subheap->heap;
SIZE_T size;
struct entry *entry;
SIZE_T block_size;
if (heap->pending_free)
ARENA_INUSE *prev = heap->pending_free[heap->pending_pos];
heap->pending_free[heap->pending_pos] = pArena;
struct block *tmp = heap->pending_free[heap->pending_pos];
heap->pending_free[heap->pending_pos] = block;
heap->pending_pos = (heap->pending_pos + 1) % MAX_FREE_PENDING;
block_set_type( pArena, ARENA_PENDING_MAGIC );
mark_block_free( pArena + 1, pArena->size & ARENA_SIZE_MASK, heap->flags );
if (!prev) return;
pArena = prev;
subheap = find_subheap( heap, pArena, FALSE );
block_set_type( block, ARENA_PENDING_MAGIC );
mark_block_free( block + 1, block->size & ARENA_SIZE_MASK, heap->flags );
if (!(block = tmp) || !(subheap = find_subheap( heap, block, FALSE ))) return;
/* Check if we can merge with previous block */
size = (pArena->size & ARENA_SIZE_MASK) + sizeof(*pArena);
if (pArena->size & ARENA_FLAG_PREV_FREE)
block_size = (block->size & ARENA_SIZE_MASK) + sizeof(*block);
if (block->size & ARENA_FLAG_PREV_FREE)
pFree = *((ARENA_FREE **)pArena - 1);
size += (pFree->size & ARENA_SIZE_MASK) + sizeof(ARENA_FREE);
/* Remove it from the free list */
list_remove( &pFree->entry );
/* merge with previous block if it is free */
block = *((struct block **)block - 1);
block_size += (block->size & ARENA_SIZE_MASK) + sizeof(*entry);
entry = (struct entry *)block;
list_remove( &entry->entry );
else pFree = (ARENA_FREE *)pArena;
/* Create a free block */
create_free_block( subheap, (struct block *)pFree, size );
size = (pFree->size & ARENA_SIZE_MASK) + sizeof(ARENA_FREE);
if ((char *)pFree + size < (char *)subheap->base + subheap->size)
return; /* Not the last block, so nothing more to do */
else entry = (struct entry *)block;
/* Free the whole sub-heap if it's empty and not the original one */
create_free_block( subheap, block, block_size );
block_size = (block->size & ARENA_SIZE_MASK) + sizeof(*entry);
if ((char *)block + block_size < (char *)subheap->base + subheap->size) return; /* not the last block */
if (((char *)pFree == (char *)subheap->base + subheap->headerSize) &&
if (((char *)block == (char *)subheap->base + subheap->headerSize) &&
(subheap != &subheap->heap->subheap))
/* free the subheap if it's empty and not the main one */
void *addr = subheap->base;
SIZE_T size = 0;
size = 0;
/* Remove the free block from the list */
list_remove( &pFree->entry );
/* Remove the subheap from the list */
list_remove( &entry->entry );
list_remove( &subheap->entry );
/* Free the memory */
subheap->magic = 0;
NtFreeVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &addr, &size, MEM_RELEASE );
/* Decommit the end of the heap */
if (!(subheap->heap->shared)) HEAP_Decommit( subheap, pFree + 1 );
if (!heap->shared) HEAP_Decommit( subheap, entry + 1 );
......@@ -1568,7 +1549,7 @@ static NTSTATUS heap_free( HEAP *heap, void *ptr )
if (!(block = unsafe_block_from_ptr( heap, ptr, &subheap ))) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (!subheap) free_large_block( heap, ptr );
else HEAP_MakeInUseBlockFree( subheap, block );
else free_used_block( subheap, block );
......@@ -1640,7 +1621,7 @@ static NTSTATUS heap_reallocate( HEAP *heap, ULONG flags, void *ptr, SIZE_T size
memcpy( *ret, block + 1, old_size );
if (flags & HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY) memset( (char *)*ret + old_size, 0, size - old_size );
notify_free( ptr );
HEAP_MakeInUseBlockFree( subheap, block );
free_used_block( subheap, block );
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