Commit b34b65e4 authored by Iván Matellanes's avatar Iván Matellanes Committed by Alexandre Julliard

msvcirt: Improve implementation of streambuf::pbackfail.

parent 6aa589e8
......@@ -501,18 +501,6 @@ int __thiscall streambuf_overflow(streambuf *this, int c)
return EOF;
/* ?pbackfail@streambuf@@UAEHH@Z */
/* ?pbackfail@streambuf@@UEAAHH@Z */
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(streambuf_pbackfail, 8)
#define call_streambuf_pbackfail(this, c) CALL_VTBL_FUNC(this, 36, int, (streambuf*, int), (this, c))
int __thiscall streambuf_pbackfail(streambuf *this, int c)
TRACE("(%p %d)\n", this, c);
if (this->gptr <= this->eback)
return EOF;
return *--this->gptr = c;
/* ?seekoff@streambuf@@UAEJJW4seek_dir@ios@@H@Z */
/* ?seekoff@streambuf@@UEAAJJW4seek_dir@ios@@H@Z */
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(streambuf_seekoff, 16)
......@@ -532,6 +520,25 @@ streampos __thiscall streambuf_seekpos(streambuf *this, streampos pos, int mode)
return call_streambuf_seekoff(this, pos, SEEKDIR_beg, mode);
/* ?pbackfail@streambuf@@UAEHH@Z */
/* ?pbackfail@streambuf@@UEAAHH@Z */
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(streambuf_pbackfail, 8)
#define call_streambuf_pbackfail(this, c) CALL_VTBL_FUNC(this, 36, int, (streambuf*, int), (this, c))
int __thiscall streambuf_pbackfail(streambuf *this, int c)
TRACE("(%p %d)\n", this, c);
if (this->gptr > this->eback)
return *--this->gptr = c;
if (call_streambuf_seekoff(this, -1, SEEKDIR_cur, OPENMODE_in) == EOF)
return EOF;
if (!this->unbuffered && this->egptr) {
/* 'c' should be the next character read */
memmove(this->gptr + 1, this->gptr, this->egptr - this->gptr - 1);
*this->gptr = c;
return c;
/* ?setb@streambuf@@IAEXPAD0H@Z */
/* ?setb@streambuf@@IEAAXPEAD0H@Z */
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(streambuf_setb, 16)
......@@ -1562,8 +1569,8 @@ int __thiscall stdiobuf_overflow(stdiobuf *this, int c)
DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(stdiobuf_pbackfail, 8)
int __thiscall stdiobuf_pbackfail(stdiobuf *this, int c)
FIXME("(%p %d) stub\n", this, c);
return EOF;
TRACE("(%p %d)\n", this, c);
return streambuf_pbackfail(&this->base, c);
/* ?seekoff@stdiobuf@@UAEJJW4seek_dir@ios@@H@Z */
......@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ static int (*__thiscall p_strstreambuf_underflow)(strstreambuf*);
static stdiobuf* (*__thiscall p_stdiobuf_file_ctor)(stdiobuf*, FILE*);
static void (*__thiscall p_stdiobuf_dtor)(stdiobuf*);
static int (*__thiscall p_stdiobuf_overflow)(stdiobuf*, int);
static int (*__thiscall p_stdiobuf_pbackfail)(stdiobuf*, int);
static streampos (*__thiscall p_stdiobuf_seekoff)(stdiobuf*, streamoff, ios_seek_dir, int);
static int (*__thiscall p_stdiobuf_setrwbuf)(stdiobuf*, int, int);
static int (*__thiscall p_stdiobuf_sync)(stdiobuf*);
......@@ -376,6 +377,7 @@ static BOOL init(void)
SET(p_stdiobuf_file_ctor, "??0stdiobuf@@QEAA@PEAU_iobuf@@@Z");
SET(p_stdiobuf_dtor, "??1stdiobuf@@UEAA@XZ");
SET(p_stdiobuf_overflow, "?overflow@stdiobuf@@UEAAHH@Z");
SET(p_stdiobuf_pbackfail, "?pbackfail@stdiobuf@@UEAAHH@Z");
SET(p_stdiobuf_seekoff, "?seekoff@stdiobuf@@UEAAJJW4seek_dir@ios@@H@Z");
SET(p_stdiobuf_setrwbuf, "?setrwbuf@stdiobuf@@QEAAHHH@Z");
SET(p_stdiobuf_sync, "?sync@stdiobuf@@UEAAHXZ");
......@@ -462,6 +464,7 @@ static BOOL init(void)
SET(p_stdiobuf_file_ctor, "??0stdiobuf@@QAE@PAU_iobuf@@@Z");
SET(p_stdiobuf_dtor, "??1stdiobuf@@UAE@XZ");
SET(p_stdiobuf_overflow, "?overflow@stdiobuf@@UAEHH@Z");
SET(p_stdiobuf_pbackfail, "?pbackfail@stdiobuf@@UAEHH@Z");
SET(p_stdiobuf_seekoff, "?seekoff@stdiobuf@@UAEJJW4seek_dir@ios@@H@Z");
SET(p_stdiobuf_setrwbuf, "?setrwbuf@stdiobuf@@QAEHHH@Z");
SET(p_stdiobuf_sync, "?sync@stdiobuf@@UAEHXZ");
......@@ -1432,6 +1435,38 @@ static void test_filebuf(void)
ret = (int) call_func4(p_filebuf_seekoff, &fb1, 16, SEEKDIR_beg, 0);
ok(ret == 16, "wrong return, expected 16 got %d\n", ret);
/* pbackfail */
ret = (int) call_func2(p_streambuf_pbackfail, &fb1.base, 'B');
ok(ret == 'B', "wrong return, expected 'B' got %d\n", ret);
ok(fb1.base.gptr == NULL, "wrong get pointer, expected %p got %p\n", NULL, fb1.base.gptr);
ok(fb1.base.pptr == NULL, "wrong put pointer, expected %p got %p\n", NULL, fb1.base.pptr);
ok(_tell(fb1.fd) == 15, "_tell failed\n");
fb1.base.eback = fb1.base.gptr = fb1.base.base;
fb1.base.egptr = fb1.base.pbase = fb1.base.pptr = fb1.base.base + 256;
fb1.base.epptr = fb1.base.ebuf;
ret = (int) call_func2(p_streambuf_pbackfail, &fb1.base, 'C');
ok(ret == EOF, "wrong return, expected EOF got %d\n", ret);
ok(fb1.base.gptr == fb1.base.base, "wrong get pointer, expected %p got %p\n", fb1.base.base, fb1.base.gptr);
ok(fb1.base.pptr == NULL, "wrong put pointer, expected %p got %p\n", NULL, fb1.base.pptr);
ok(_tell(fb1.fd) == 15, "_tell failed\n");
fb1.base.eback = fb1.base.gptr = fb1.base.base;
fb1.base.egptr = fb1.base.base + 2;
ret = (int) call_func2(p_streambuf_pbackfail, &fb1.base, 'C');
ok(ret == 'C', "wrong return, expected 'C' got %d\n", ret);
ok(fb1.base.gptr == NULL, "wrong get pointer, expected %p got %p\n", NULL, fb1.base.gptr);
ok(fb1.base.pptr == NULL, "wrong put pointer, expected %p got %p\n", NULL, fb1.base.pptr);
ok(_tell(fb1.fd) == 12, "_tell failed\n");
fb1.base.eback = fb1.base.gptr = fb1.base.base;
fb1.base.egptr = fb1.base.ebuf;
*fb1.base.gptr++ = 'D';
ret = (int) call_func2(p_streambuf_pbackfail, &fb1.base, 'C');
ok(ret == 'C', "wrong return, expected 'C' got %d\n", ret);
ok(fb1.base.gptr == fb1.base.base, "wrong get pointer, expected %p got %p\n", fb1.base.base, fb1.base.gptr);
ok(*fb1.base.gptr == 'C', "wrong character, expected 'C' got '%c'\n", *fb1.base.gptr);
ok(fb1.base.pptr == NULL, "wrong put pointer, expected %p got %p\n", NULL, fb1.base.pptr);
ok(_tell(fb1.fd) == 12, "_tell failed\n");
fb1.base.eback = fb1.base.gptr = fb1.base.egptr = NULL;
/* close */
pret = (filebuf*) call_func1(p_filebuf_close, &fb2);
ok(pret == NULL, "wrong return, expected %p got %p\n", NULL, pret);
......@@ -1833,6 +1868,21 @@ static void test_strstreambuf(void)
ok(ret == 74, "expected 74 got %d\n", ret);
ok(ssb2.base.pptr == ssb2.base.epptr, "wrong put pointer, expected %p got %p\n", ssb2.base.epptr, ssb2.base.pptr);
/* pbackfail */
*(ssb1.base.gptr-1) = 'A';
ret = (int) call_func2(p_streambuf_pbackfail, &ssb1.base, 'X');
ok(ret == 'X', "wrong return, expected 'X' got %d\n", ret);
ok(ssb1.base.gptr == ssb1.base.eback + 51, "wrong get pointer, expected %p got %p\n", ssb1.base.eback + 51, ssb1.base.gptr);
ok(*ssb1.base.gptr == 'X', "expected 'X' got '%c'\n", *ssb1.base.gptr);
ssb1.base.gptr = ssb1.base.eback;
ret = (int) call_func2(p_streambuf_pbackfail, &ssb1.base, 'Y');
ok(ret == EOF, "wrong return, expected EOF got %d\n", ret);
ssb1.base.gptr = ssb1.base.eback + 1;
ret = (int) call_func2(p_streambuf_pbackfail, &ssb1.base, EOF);
ok(ret == EOF, "wrong return, expected EOF got %d\n", ret);
ok(ssb1.base.gptr == ssb1.base.eback, "wrong get pointer, expected %p got %p\n", ssb1.base.eback, ssb1.base.gptr);
ok((signed char)*ssb1.base.gptr == EOF, "expected EOF got '%c'\n", *ssb1.base.gptr);
call_func1(p_strstreambuf_dtor, &ssb1);
call_func1(p_strstreambuf_dtor, &ssb2);
......@@ -1843,7 +1893,7 @@ static void test_stdiobuf(void)
FILE *file1, *file2;
const char filename1[] = "stdiobuf_test1";
const char filename2[] = "stdiobuf_test2";
int ret;
int ret, last;
char buffer[64];
memset(&stb1, 0xab, sizeof(stdiobuf));
......@@ -2108,6 +2158,42 @@ static void test_stdiobuf(void)
stb2.base.gptr = stb2.base.egptr;
stb2.base.unbuffered = 1;
/* pbackfail */
last = fgetc(stb1.file);
ok(last == 'r', "expected 'r' got %d\n", last);
ok(ftell(stb1.file) == 30, "ftell failed\n");
ret = (int) call_func2(p_stdiobuf_pbackfail, &stb1, 'i');
ok(ret == 'i', "expected 'i' got %d\n", ret);
ok(ftell(stb1.file) == 29, "ftell failed\n");
last = fgetc(stb1.file);
ok(last == 'r', "expected 'r' got %d\n", last);
ok(ftell(stb1.file) == 30, "ftell failed\n");
stb1.base.eback = stb1.base.base;
stb1.base.gptr = stb1.base.egptr = stb1.base.base + 9;
strcpy(stb1.base.eback, "pbackfail");
ret = (int) call_func2(p_stdiobuf_pbackfail, &stb1, 'j');
ok(ret == 'j', "expected 'j' got %d\n", ret);
ok(stb1.base.gptr == stb1.base.base + 8, "wrong get pointer, expected %p got %p\n", stb1.base.base + 8, stb1.base.gptr);
ok(strncmp(stb1.base.eback, "pbackfaij", 9) == 0, "strncmp failed\n");
ok(ftell(stb1.file) == 30, "ftell failed\n");
stb1.base.gptr = stb1.base.eback;
ret = (int) call_func2(p_stdiobuf_pbackfail, &stb1, 'k');
ok(ret == 'k', "expected 'k' got %d\n", ret);
ok(stb1.base.gptr == stb1.base.base, "wrong get pointer, expected %p got %p\n", stb1.base.base, stb1.base.gptr);
ok(strncmp(stb1.base.eback, "pbackfaij", 9) == 0, "strncmp failed\n");
ok(ftell(stb1.file) == 29, "ftell failed\n");
stb1.base.unbuffered = 0;
ret = (int) call_func2(p_stdiobuf_pbackfail, &stb1, 'l');
ok(ret == 'l', "expected 'l' got %d\n", ret);
ok(strncmp(stb1.base.eback, "lpbackfai", 9) == 0, "strncmp failed\n");
ok(ftell(stb1.file) == 28, "ftell failed\n");
stb1.base.egptr = NULL;
ret = (int) call_func2(p_stdiobuf_pbackfail, &stb1, 'm');
ok(ret == 'm', "expected 'm' got %d\n", ret);
ok(strncmp(stb1.base.eback, "lpbackfai", 9) == 0, "strncmp failed\n");
ok(ftell(stb1.file) == 27, "ftell failed\n");
stb1.base.unbuffered = 1;
call_func1(p_stdiobuf_dtor, &stb1);
call_func1(p_stdiobuf_dtor, &stb2);
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