Commit b7cc006c authored by Mike McCormack's avatar Mike McCormack Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Remove an unused function.

parent 4c20cc6f
......@@ -904,20 +904,8 @@ static IPersistFolder2Vtbl vt_PersistFolder2 =
HRESULT WINAPI CPanel_GetIconLocationA(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPSTR szIconFile, UINT cchMax, int* piIndex)
PIDLCPanelStruct* pcpanel = _ILGetCPanelPointer(pidl);
if (!pcpanel)
lstrcpyA(szIconFile, pcpanel->szName);
*piIndex = pcpanel->iconIdx!=-1? pcpanel->iconIdx: 0;
return S_OK;
HRESULT WINAPI CPanel_GetIconLocationW(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPWSTR szIconFile, UINT cchMax, int* piIndex)
HRESULT CPanel_GetIconLocationW(LPITEMIDLIST pidl,
LPWSTR szIconFile, UINT cchMax, int* piIndex)
PIDLCPanelStruct* pcpanel = _ILGetCPanelPointer(pidl);
......@@ -935,7 +923,8 @@ HRESULT WINAPI CPanel_GetIconLocationW(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPWSTR szIconFile, UIN
* IShellExecuteHookW Implementation
static HRESULT WINAPI IShellExecuteHookW_fnQueryInterface(IShellExecuteHookW* iface, REFIID riid, void** ppvObject)
static HRESULT WINAPI IShellExecuteHookW_fnQueryInterface(
IShellExecuteHookW* iface, REFIID riid, void** ppvObject)
_ICOM_THIS_From_IShellExecuteHookW(ICPanelImpl, iface);
......@@ -1087,10 +1076,8 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IShellExecuteHookA_fnExecute(IShellExecuteHookA* iface, LP
static IShellExecuteHookAVtbl vt_ShellExecuteHookA =
......@@ -93,8 +93,7 @@ HRESULT WINAPI IDropTargetHelper_Constructor (IUnknown * pUnkOuter, REFIID riid,
HRESULT WINAPI IFileSystemBindData_Constructor(const WIN32_FIND_DATAW *pfd, LPBC *ppV);
HRESULT WINAPI IControlPanel_Constructor(IUnknown * pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppv);
HRESULT WINAPI UnixFolder_Constructor(IUnknown * pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppv);
HRESULT WINAPI CPanel_GetIconLocationA(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPSTR szIconFile, UINT cchMax, int* piIndex);
HRESULT WINAPI CPanel_GetIconLocationW(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPWSTR szIconFile, UINT cchMax, int* piIndex);
extern HRESULT CPanel_GetIconLocationW(LPITEMIDLIST, LPWSTR, UINT, int*);
HRESULT WINAPI CPanel_ExtractIconA(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPCSTR pszFile, UINT nIconIndex, HICON *phiconLarge, HICON *phiconSmall, UINT nIconSize);
HRESULT WINAPI CPanel_ExtractIconW(LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPCWSTR pszFile, UINT nIconIndex, HICON *phiconLarge, HICON *phiconSmall, UINT nIconSize);
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