Commit b7dd8381 authored by Rob Shearman's avatar Rob Shearman Committed by Alexandre Julliard

widl: Remove the single keyword and type.

It isn't valid in MIDL or the FreeDCE IDL compiler, nor does it appear in the DCE/RPC or C99 specs.
parent 319a7a10
......@@ -341,7 +341,6 @@ static const struct keyword attr_keywords[] =
{"requestedit", tREQUESTEDIT},
{"restricted", tRESTRICTED},
{"retval", tRETVAL},
{"single", tSINGLE},
{"size_is", tSIZEIS},
{"source", tSOURCE},
{"strict_context_handle", tSTRICTCONTEXTHANDLE},
......@@ -269,7 +269,6 @@ static statement_list_t *append_statement(statement_list_t *list, statement_t *s
%token tSHORT
%token tSIGNED
%token tSINGLE
%token tSMALL
%token tSOURCE
......@@ -774,7 +773,6 @@ base_type: tBYTE { $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }
| tUNSIGNED int_std { $$ = type_new_int(type_basic_get_type($2), 1); }
| tUNSIGNED { $$ = type_new_int(TYPE_BASIC_INT, 1); }
| tFLOAT { $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }
| tSINGLE { $$ = find_type("float", 0); }
| tDOUBLE { $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }
| tBOOLEAN { $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }
| tERRORSTATUST { $$ = find_type_or_error($<str>1, 0); }
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