Commit b8d15446 authored by Robert Reif's avatar Robert Reif Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Implement _wstrdate and _wstrtime with tests.

parent 78ea87c5
......@@ -554,8 +554,8 @@
@ cdecl _wsplitpath(wstr wstr wstr wstr wstr)
@ cdecl _wstat(wstr ptr) MSVCRT__wstat
@ cdecl _wstati64(wstr ptr) MSVCRT__wstati64
@ stub _wstrdate #(ptr)
@ stub _wstrtime #(ptr)
@ cdecl _wstrdate(wstr)
@ cdecl _wstrtime(wstr)
@ stub _wsystem #(wstr)
@ cdecl _wtempnam(wstr wstr)
@ stub _wtmpnam #(ptr)
......@@ -179,11 +179,64 @@ static void test_localtime(void)
lt->tm_min, lt->tm_sec, lt->tm_isdst);
static void test_strdate(void)
char date[16], * result;
int month, day, year, count, len;
result = _strdate(date);
ok(result == date, "Wrong return value\n");
len = strlen(date);
ok(len == 8, "Wrong length: returned %d, should be 8\n", len);
count = sscanf(date, "%02d/%02d/%02d", &month, &day, &year);
ok(count == 3, "Wrong format: count = %d, should be 3\n", count);
static void test_strtime(void)
char time[16], * result;
int hour, minute, second, count, len;
result = _strtime(time);
ok(result == time, "Wrong return value\n");
len = strlen(time);
ok(len == 8, "Wrong length: returned %d, should be 8\n", len);
count = sscanf(time, "%02d:%02d:%02d", &hour, &minute, &second);
ok(count == 3, "Wrong format: count = %d, should be 3\n", count);
static void test_wstrdate(void)
wchar_t date[16], * result;
int month, day, year, count, len;
wchar_t format[] = { '%','0','2','d','/','%','0','2','d','/','%','0','2','d',0 };
result = _wstrdate(date);
ok(result == date, "Wrong return value\n");
len = wcslen(date);
ok(len == 8, "Wrong length: returned %d, should be 8\n", len);
count = swscanf(date, format, &month, &day, &year);
ok(count == 3, "Wrong format: count = %d, should be 3\n", count);
static void test_wstrtime(void)
wchar_t time[16], * result;
int hour, minute, second, count, len;
wchar_t format[] = { '%','0','2','d',':','%','0','2','d',':','%','0','2','d',0 };
result = _wstrtime(time);
ok(result == time, "Wrong return value\n");
len = wcslen(time);
ok(len == 8, "Wrong length: returned %d, should be 8\n", len);
count = swscanf(time, format, &hour, &minute, &second);
ok(count == 3, "Wrong format: count = %d, should be 3\n", count);
......@@ -221,16 +221,40 @@ char* _strdate(char* date)
return date;
* _wstrdate (MSVCRT.@)
MSVCRT_wchar_t* _wstrdate(MSVCRT_wchar_t* date)
static const WCHAR format[] = { 'M','M','\'','/','\'','d','d','\'','/','\'','y','y',0 };
GetDateFormatW(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 0, NULL, format, (LPWSTR)date, 9);
return date;
* _strtime (MSVCRT.@)
char* _strtime(char* date)
char* _strtime(char* time)
LPCSTR format = "HH':'mm':'ss";
GetTimeFormatA(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 0, NULL, format, date, 9);
GetTimeFormatA(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 0, NULL, format, time, 9);
return date;
return time;
* _wstrtime (MSVCRT.@)
MSVCRT_wchar_t* _wstrtime(MSVCRT_wchar_t* time)
static const WCHAR format[] = { 'H','H','\'',':','\'','m','m','\'',':','\'','s','s',0 };
GetTimeFormatW(LOCALE_NEUTRAL, 0, NULL, format, (LPWSTR)time, 9);
return time;
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