Commit d98c36c1 authored by Martin Fuchs's avatar Martin Fuchs Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Get icons for shell link files.

parent 27b1cf9a
......@@ -259,13 +259,36 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IExtractIconW_fnGetIconLocation(
found = TRUE;
if (!found) /* default icon */
else if (!strcasecmp(sTemp, "lnkfile"))
lstrcpynW(szIconFile, swShell32Name, cchMax);
*piIndex = 0;
/* extract icon from shell shortcut */
IShellFolder* dsf;
IShellLinkW* psl;
if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetDesktopFolder(&dsf)))
HRESULT hr = IShellFolder_GetUIObjectOf(dsf, NULL, 1, (LPCITEMIDLIST*)&This->pidl, &IID_IShellLinkW, NULL, (LPVOID*)&psl);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = IShellLinkW_GetIconLocation(psl, szIconFile, MAX_PATH, piIndex);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && *szIconFile)
found = TRUE;
if (!found) /* default icon */
lstrcpynW(szIconFile, swShell32Name, cchMax);
*piIndex = 0;
TRACE("-- %s %x\n", debugstr_w(szIconFile), *piIndex);
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