Commit e0f604a3 authored by Jim Aston's avatar Jim Aston Committed by Alexandre Julliard

Added another anonymous union using the DUMMYUNIONNAME style.

parent 690a6d4b
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ int VGA_GetMode(unsigned*Height,unsigned*Width,unsigned*Depth)
if (!lpddsurf) return 1;
if (Height) *Height=sdesc.dwHeight;
if (Width) *Width=sdesc.dwWidth;
if (Depth) *Depth=sdesc.ddpfPixelFormat.x.dwRGBBitCount;
if (Depth) *Depth=sdesc.ddpfPixelFormat.u.dwRGBBitCount;
return 0;
......@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ LPSTR VGA_Lock(unsigned*Pitch,unsigned*Height,unsigned*Width,unsigned*Depth)
if (Pitch) *Pitch=sdesc.lPitch;
if (Height) *Height=sdesc.dwHeight;
if (Width) *Width=sdesc.dwWidth;
if (Depth) *Depth=sdesc.ddpfPixelFormat.x.dwRGBBitCount;
return sdesc.y.lpSurface;
if (Depth) *Depth=sdesc.ddpfPixelFormat.u.dwRGBBitCount;
return sdesc.u1.lpSurface;
void VGA_Unlock(void)
/* We are called from SIGALRM, aren't we? We should _NOT_ do synchronization
......@@ -494,25 +494,25 @@ typedef struct _DDPIXELFORMAT {
DWORD dwYUVBitCount; /* C: how many bits per pixel */
DWORD dwZBufferBitDepth; /* C: how many bits for z buffers */
DWORD dwAlphaBitDepth; /* C: how many bits for alpha channels*/
} x;
union {
DWORD dwRBitMask; /* 10: mask for red bit*/
DWORD dwYBitMask; /* 10: mask for Y bits*/
} y;
union {
DWORD dwGBitMask; /* 14: mask for green bits*/
DWORD dwUBitMask; /* 14: mask for U bits*/
} z;
union {
DWORD dwBBitMask; /* 18: mask for blue bits*/
DWORD dwVBitMask; /* 18: mask for V bits*/
} xx;
union {
DWORD dwRGBAlphaBitMask; /* 1C: mask for alpha channel */
DWORD dwYUVAlphaBitMask; /* 1C: mask for alpha channel */
DWORD dwRGBZBitMask; /* 1C: mask for Z channel */
DWORD dwYUVZBitMask; /* 1C: mask for Z channel */
} xy;
/* 20: next structure */
......@@ -663,13 +663,13 @@ typedef struct _DDSURFACEDESC
DWORD dwMipMapCount;/* 18:number of mip-map levels requested*/
DWORD dwZBufferBitDepth;/*18: depth of Z buffer requested*/
DWORD dwRefreshRate;/* 18:refresh rate (used when display mode is described)*/
} x;
DWORD dwAlphaBitDepth;/* 1C:depth of alpha buffer requested*/
DWORD dwReserved; /* 20:reserved*/
union {
LPVOID lpSurface; /* 24:pointer to the associated surface memory*/
DWORD dwLinearSize; /* 24:Formless late-allocated optimized surface size*/
} y;
DDCOLORKEY ddckCKDestOverlay;/* 28: CK for dest overlay use*/
DDCOLORKEY ddckCKDestBlt; /* 30: CK for destination blt use*/
DDCOLORKEY ddckCKSrcOverlay;/* 38: CK for source overlay use*/
......@@ -735,13 +735,13 @@ typedef struct _DDBLTFX
DWORD dwZDestConst; /* Constant to use as Z buffer for dest */
LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSZBufferDest; /* Surface to use as Z buffer for dest */
} x;
DWORD dwZSrcConstBitDepth; /* Bit depth used to specify Z constant for source */
DWORD dwZSrcConst; /* Constant to use as Z buffer for src */
LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSZBufferSrc; /* Surface to use as Z buffer for src */
} y;
DWORD dwAlphaEdgeBlendBitDepth; /* Bit depth used to specify constant for alpha edge blend */
DWORD dwAlphaEdgeBlend; /* Alpha for edge blending */
DWORD dwReserved;
......@@ -750,20 +750,20 @@ typedef struct _DDBLTFX
DWORD dwAlphaDestConst; /* Constant to use as Alpha Channel */
LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSAlphaDest; /* Surface to use as Alpha Channel */
} z;
DWORD dwAlphaSrcConstBitDepth; /* Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for source */
DWORD dwAlphaSrcConst; /* Constant to use as Alpha Channel */
LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSAlphaSrc; /* Surface to use as Alpha Channel */
} a;
DWORD dwFillColor; /* color in RGB or Palettized */
DWORD dwFillDepth; /* depth value for z-buffer */
DWORD dwFillPixel; /* pixel val for RGBA or RGBZ */
LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSPattern; /* Surface to use as pattern */
} b;
DDCOLORKEY ddckDestColorkey; /* DestColorkey override */
DDCOLORKEY ddckSrcColorkey; /* SrcColorkey override */
......@@ -799,13 +799,13 @@ typedef struct _DDOVERLAYFX
DWORD dwAlphaDestConst; /* Constant to use as alpha channel for dest */
LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSAlphaDest; /* Surface to use as alpha channel for dest */
} x;
DWORD dwAlphaSrcConstBitDepth; /* Bit depth used to specify alpha constant for source */
DWORD dwAlphaSrcConst; /* Constant to use as alpha channel for src */
LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSAlphaSrc; /* Surface to use as alpha channel for src */
} y;
DDCOLORKEY dckDestColorkey; /* DestColorkey override */
DDCOLORKEY dckSrcColorkey; /* DestColorkey override */
DWORD dwDDFX; /* Overlay FX */
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