Commit f71315c8 authored by Rémi Bernon's avatar Rémi Bernon Committed by Alexandre Julliard

dmusic: Add more parsed instruments traces.

parent 3fa399b1
......@@ -328,14 +328,38 @@ HRESULT instrument_create_from_chunk(IStream *stream, struct chunk_entry *parent
if (TRACE_ON(dmusic))
TRACE("Created DirectMusicInstrument (%p) ***\n", This);
TRACE(" - Instrument header:\n");
TRACE(" - cRegions: %ld\n", This->header.cRegions);
TRACE(" - Locale:\n");
TRACE(" - ulBank: %ld\n", This->header.Locale.ulBank);
TRACE(" - ulInstrument: %ld\n", This->header.Locale.ulInstrument);
TRACE(" => dwPatch: %ld\n", MIDILOCALE2Patch(&This->header.Locale));
struct region *region;
TRACE("Created DirectMusicInstrument %p\n", This);
TRACE(" - header:\n");
TRACE(" - regions: %ld\n", This->header.cRegions);
TRACE(" - locale: {bank: %#lx, instrument: %#lx} (patch %#lx)\n",
This->header.Locale.ulBank, This->header.Locale.ulInstrument,
if (desc->dwValidData & DMUS_OBJ_OBJECT) TRACE(" - guid: %s\n", debugstr_dmguid(&desc->guidObject));
if (desc->dwValidData & DMUS_OBJ_NAME) TRACE(" - name: %s\n", debugstr_w(desc->wszName));
TRACE(" - regions:\n");
LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(region, &This->regions, struct region, entry)
TRACE(" - region:\n");
TRACE(" - header: {key: %u - %u, vel: %u - %u, options: %#x, group: %#x}\n",
region->header.RangeKey.usLow, region->header.RangeKey.usHigh,
region->header.RangeVelocity.usLow, region->header.RangeVelocity.usHigh,
region->header.fusOptions, region->header.usKeyGroup);
TRACE(" - wave_link: {options: %#x, group: %u, channel: %lu, index: %lu}\n",
region->wave_link.fusOptions, region->wave_link.usPhaseGroup,
region->wave_link.ulChannel, region->wave_link.ulTableIndex);
TRACE(" - wave_sample: {size: %lu, unity_note: %u, fine_tune: %d, attenuation: %ld, options: %#lx, loops: %lu}\n",
region->wave_sample.cbSize, region->wave_sample.usUnityNote,
region->wave_sample.sFineTune, region->wave_sample.lAttenuation,
region->wave_sample.fulOptions, region->wave_sample.cSampleLoops);
for (i = 0; i < region->wave_sample.cSampleLoops; i++)
TRACE(" - wave_loop[%u]: {size: %lu, type: %lu, start: %lu, length: %lu}\n", i,
region->wave_loop.cbSize, region->wave_loop.ulType,
region->wave_loop.ulStart, region->wave_loop.ulLength);
*ret_iface = iface;
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