Commit fa846bdb authored by Nikolay Sivov's avatar Nikolay Sivov Committed by Alexandre Julliard

comctl32/listview: Fix indentation warnings on GCC 6.

parent 28a54059
......@@ -588,23 +588,28 @@ static const char* debugscrollinfo(const SCROLLINFO *pScrollInfo)
if (pScrollInfo == NULL) return "(null)";
len = snprintf(buf, size, "{cbSize=%u, ", pScrollInfo->cbSize);
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (pScrollInfo->fMask & SIF_RANGE)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "nMin=%d, nMax=%d, ", pScrollInfo->nMin, pScrollInfo->nMax);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (pScrollInfo->fMask & SIF_PAGE)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "nPage=%u, ", pScrollInfo->nPage);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (pScrollInfo->fMask & SIF_POS)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "nPos=%d, ", pScrollInfo->nPos);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (pScrollInfo->fMask & SIF_TRACKPOS)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "nTrackPos=%d, ", pScrollInfo->nTrackPos);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len;
goto undo;
buf = text + strlen(text);
......@@ -629,27 +634,33 @@ static const char* debuglvitem_t(const LVITEMW *lpLVItem, BOOL isW)
if (lpLVItem == NULL) return "(null)";
len = snprintf(buf, size, "{iItem=%d, iSubItem=%d, ", lpLVItem->iItem, lpLVItem->iSubItem);
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (lpLVItem->mask & LVIF_STATE)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "state=%x, stateMask=%x, ", lpLVItem->state, lpLVItem->stateMask);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (lpLVItem->mask & LVIF_TEXT)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "pszText=%s, cchTextMax=%d, ", debugtext_tn(lpLVItem->pszText, isW, 80), lpLVItem->cchTextMax);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (lpLVItem->mask & LVIF_IMAGE)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "iImage=%d, ", lpLVItem->iImage);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (lpLVItem->mask & LVIF_PARAM)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "lParam=%lx, ", lpLVItem->lParam);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (lpLVItem->mask & LVIF_INDENT)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "iIndent=%d, ", lpLVItem->iIndent);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len;
goto undo;
buf = text + strlen(text);
......@@ -665,31 +676,38 @@ static const char* debuglvcolumn_t(const LVCOLUMNW *lpColumn, BOOL isW)
if (lpColumn == NULL) return "(null)";
len = snprintf(buf, size, "{");
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (lpColumn->mask & LVCF_SUBITEM)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "iSubItem=%d, ", lpColumn->iSubItem);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (lpColumn->mask & LVCF_FMT)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "fmt=%x, ", lpColumn->fmt);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (lpColumn->mask & LVCF_WIDTH)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "cx=%d, ", lpColumn->cx);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (lpColumn->mask & LVCF_TEXT)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "pszText=%s, cchTextMax=%d, ", debugtext_tn(lpColumn->pszText, isW, 80), lpColumn->cchTextMax);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (lpColumn->mask & LVCF_IMAGE)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "iImage=%d, ", lpColumn->iImage);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len; size -= len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len; size -= len;
if (lpColumn->mask & LVCF_ORDER)
len = snprintf(buf, size, "iOrder=%d, ", lpColumn->iOrder);
else len = 0;
if (len == -1) goto end; buf += len;
if (len == -1) goto end;
buf += len;
goto undo;
buf = text + strlen(text);
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