Commit 571775f4 authored by Anton V. Boyarshinov's avatar Anton V. Boyarshinov

desktop file for indexhtml moved to subdirectory

parent c30002cb
......@@ -303,10 +303,10 @@ install slideshow/* %buildroot/usr/share/install2/slideshow/
pushd indexhtml
mkdir -p %buildroot{%_indexhtmldir/,%_desktopdir/}
cp -r * %buildroot%_indexhtmldir/
rm -f %buildroot%_indexhtmldir/*.in
rm -f %buildroot%_indexhtmldir/*.in %buildroot%_indexhtmldir/indexhtml.desktop
touch %buildroot%_indexhtmldir/index.html
install -m644 indexhtml.desktop %buildroot%_desktopdir/
%pre bootloader
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