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Commit 5d63e964 authored by Andrey Cherepanov's avatar Andrey Cherepanov

Simplify GRUB config

parent a5c998b8
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
message-font: "DejaVu Sans Regular 12"
title-text: ""
message-color: "#000000"
message-bg-color: "#77b5f2"
message-bg-color: "#0c2c6c"
desktop-image: "boot.png"
terminal-font: "Misc Fixed Regular 13"
......@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ terminal-font: "Misc Fixed Regular 13"
height = 25
text = "Для запуска системы выберите пункт меню и нажмите Enter."
align = "center"
font = "Droid Sans Bold 14"
color = "#008"
#font = "Droid Sans Bold 14"
color = "#0c2c6c"
+ label {
......@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ terminal-font: "Misc Fixed Regular 13"
height = 25
text = "Для редактирования меню нажмите E. Для выхода - Esc."
align = "center"
font = "Droid Sans Bold 14"
color = "#008"
#font = "Droid Sans Bold 14"
color = "#0c2c6c"
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