Commit a6548ba4 authored by Andrey Cherepanov's avatar Andrey Cherepanov

Clean spec file

Conflicts: branding.spec
parent f1ba02a8
%define brand school
%define Brand School
%define theme teacher
%define Theme Teacher
%define Name School Teacher
%define codename Turdus pilaris
%define variants altlinux-backup-server altlinux-desktop altlinux-gnome-desktop altlinux-kdesktop altlinux-lite altlinux-lxdesktop altlinux-office-desktop altlinux-office-server altlinux-school-server altlinux-sisyphus altlinux-spt altlinux-tablet altlinux-workbench informika-schoolmaster ivk-chainmail lxde-desktop lxde-school-lite Platform6-server-light school-junior school-lite school-master school-server school-terminal altlinux-centaurus sisyphus-server-light simply-linux
%define brand school
%define status альфа
%define status_en alpha
%define distro_name Informika 6.9.9 School Teacher (alpha)
......@@ -35,16 +37,15 @@ Distro-specific packages with design and texts for %distro_name.
Пакеты оформления для дистрибутива %distro_name_ru.
%package bootloader
Group: System/Configuration/Boot and Init
Group: System/Configuration/Boot and Init
Summary: Graphical boot logo for grub2, lilo and syslinux
Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): Тема для экрана выбора вариантов загрузки (lilo и syslinux)
License: GPLv2+
PreReq: coreutils
Provides: design-bootloader-system-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-%theme branding-alt-%theme-bootloader
Obsoletes: design-bootloader-system-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-%theme branding-alt-%theme-bootloader
Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-bootloader ";done )
PreReq: coreutils
Provides: design-bootloader-system-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-%theme branding-alt-%theme-bootloader
Obsoletes: design-bootloader-system-%theme design-bootloader-livecd-%theme design-bootloader-%theme branding-alt-%theme-bootloader
Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %brand-%theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-bootloader ";done )
%define grub_normal white/light-blue
%define grub_high black/light-gray
......@@ -58,13 +59,14 @@ Suitable for both lilo and syslinux.
для дистрибутива %distro_name_ru.
%package bootsplash
Summary: Theme for splash animations during bootup
Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): Тема для экрана загрузки для дистрибутива %distro_name_ru.
License: Distributable
Group: System/Configuration/Boot and Init
BuildArch: noarch
Summary: Theme for splash animations during bootup
Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): Тема для экрана загрузки для дистрибутива %distro_name_ru
License: Distributable
Group: System/Configuration/Boot and Init
Provides: plymouth-theme-%theme
Requires: plymouth-plugin-script
PreReq: plymouth
PreReq: plymouth
Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-bootsplash ";done )
......@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ License: GPL
Group: System/Configuration/Other
Provides: design-alterator-browser-%theme branding-alt-%theme-browser-qt branding-altlinux-%theme-browser-qt
Provides: alterator-icons design-alterator design-alterator-%theme
Obsoletes: branding-alt-%theme-browser-qt branding-altlinux-%theme-browser-qt
Obsoletes: branding-alt-%theme-browser-qt branding-altlinux-%theme-browser-qt
# lexicographically first of the village
Conflicts: branding-sisyphus-server-light-alterator
......@@ -119,16 +121,15 @@ This package contains some graphics for %distro_name design.
В данном пакете находится необходимые графические элементы для дистрибутива
%define provide_list altlinux fedora redhat system altlinux
%define obsolete_list altlinux-release fedora-release redhat-release
%define conflicts_list altlinux-release-sisyphus altlinux-release-4.0 altlinux-release-5.0 altlinux-release-5.1 altlinux-release-junior altlinux-release-master altlinux-release-server altlinux-release-terminal altlinux-release-small_business
%package release
Summary: %distro_name release file
Summary: %distro_name release file
Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): Описание дистрибутива %distro_name_ru
License: GPL
Group: System/Configuration/Other
License: GPL
Group: System/Configuration/Other
Provides: %(for n in %provide_list; do echo -n "$n-release = %version-%release "; done) altlinux-release-%theme branding-alt-%theme-release
Obsoletes: %obsolete_list branding-alt-%theme-release
Conflicts: %conflicts_list
......@@ -141,14 +142,15 @@ Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-r
В данном пакете находится описание дистрибутива %distro_name_ru.
%package notes
Provides: alt-license-theme = %version alt-notes-%theme
Obsoletes: alt-license-%theme alt-notes-%theme
Summary: Distribution license and release notes
BuildArch: noarch
Provides: alt-license-theme = %version alt-notes-%theme
Obsoletes: alt-license-%theme alt-notes-%theme
Summary: Distribution license and release notes
Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): Лицензия и дополнительные сведения для дистрибутива %distro_name_ru
License: Distributable
Group: Documentation
Conflicts: alt-notes-children alt-notes-hpc alt-notes-junior alt-notes-junior-sj alt-notes-junior-sm alt-notes-school-server alt-notes-server-lite alt-notes-skif alt-notes-terminal alt-notes-desktop
Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-notes ";done )
License: Distributable
Group: Documentation
Conflicts: alt-notes-children alt-notes-hpc alt-notes-junior alt-notes-junior-sj alt-notes-junior-sm alt-notes-office-server alt-notes-server-lite alt-notes-skif alt-notes-terminal
Conflicts: %(for n in %variants ; do [ "$n" = %brand-%theme ] || echo -n "branding-$n-notes ";done )
%description notes
Distribution license and release notes
......@@ -188,10 +190,12 @@ Slideshow for %distro_name installer.
дистрибутива %distro_name_ru.
%package indexhtml
BuildArch: noarch
Summary: %distro_name welcome page
Summary: HTML welcome page for %distro_name
Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): Стартовая страница для дистрибутива %distro_name_ru
License: distributable
Group: System/Base
License: distributable
Group: System/Base
Provides: indexhtml indexhtml-%theme = %version indexhtml-Desktop = 1:5.0
Obsoletes: indexhtml-desktop indexhtml-Desktop
......@@ -210,7 +214,7 @@ Requires: docs-linux_intro
Requires(post): indexhtml-common
%description indexhtml
%distro_name index.html welcome page.
%distro_name welcome page.
%description indexhtml -l ru_RU.UTF-8
В данном пакете содержится стартовая страница для дистрибутива
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