added kitty configuration

parent f4f716f3
font_family FiraCode Nerd Font
bold_font auto
italic_font auto
bold_italic_font auto
font_size 11.5
window_padding_width 5
confirm_os_window_close 0
# Special
background #14151e
foreground #98b0d3
# Black
color0 #151720
color8 #4f5572
# Red
color1 #dd6777
color9 #e26c7c
# Green
color2 #90ceaa
color10 #95d3af
# Yellow
color3 #ecd3a0
color11 #f1d8a5
# Blue
color4 #86aaec
color12 #8baff1
# Magenta
color5 #c296eb
color13 #c79bf0
# Cyan
color6 #93cee9
color14 #98d3ee
# White
color7 #cbced3
color15 #d0d3d8
# Cursor
cursor #cbced3
cursor_text_color #a5b6cf
# Selection highlight
selection_foreground #a5b6cf
selection_background #1c1e27
url color #5de4c7
# Window borders
active_border_color #3d59a1
inactive_border_color #101014
bell_border_color #fffac2
# Tab bar
tab_bar_style fade
tab_fade 1
active_tab_foreground #3d59a1
active_tab_background #16161e
active_tab_font_style bold
inactive_tab_foreground #787c99
inactive_tab_background #16161e
inactive_tab_font_style bold
tab_bar_background #101014
# Title bar
macos_titlebar_color #16161e
map kitty_mod+t new_tab_with_cwd
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