Commit b16843f7 authored by Mikhail Efremov's avatar Mikhail Efremov

Bind Win key to Xfce menu.

ALT bug #17314.
parent 5bd0c352
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
<property name="&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;Delete" type="string" value="gnome-system-monitor"/>
<property name="&lt;Control&gt;&lt;Alt&gt;l" type="string" value="xflock4"/>
<property name="Print" type="string" value="xfce4-screenshooter"/>
<property name="Multi_key" type="string" value="xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu"/>
<property name="xfwm4" type="empty">
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