Commit 06b2e605 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin


parent 0e882045
object d12420522a3e6bdf9529384d5f5a628b5ff094f8
type commit
tag v1.2.7
tagger Michael Shigorin <> 1516641935 +0300
better sound
object 0e8820452a9f7a7cf429ab490ea9c2c0d0cd57b4
type commit
tag v1.2.8
tagger Michael Shigorin <> 1517856680 +0300
regular fixes
94bfcfb6fe0f90930715ab8b7b7ce6cef9a7a85e v1.2.7 d2ac44034cc20fdb68ff286eabe711a5451d1f78 v1.2.8
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