Commit 07779c62 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin added regular-gnustep-systemd.iso

aen@ asked to ship this one as well; no problem given mixins, still being able to *switch* the init instead of regrafting would be very beneficial. NB: - wdm can't do autologin; - wdm can poweroff/halt; - wdm+autologin won't work under systemd (via prefdm.service); - nodm will work under systemd; - nodm will ruin consolehelper -> livecd-install by root's PATH; - gdm2.20 is lightweight, feature complete and sovereign enough.
parent a4b4aeb6
......@@ -81,16 +81,25 @@ distro/regular-icewm: distro/.regular-sysv-gtk +icewm
@$(call add,LIVE_LISTS,$(call tags,regular icewm))
@$(call set,KFLAVOURS,un-def)
distro/regular-wmaker: distro/.regular-sysv \
use/efi/refind use/syslinux/ui/gfxboot use/live/autologin use/x11/wmaker
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,xxkb wdm)
mixin/regular-wmaker: use/efi/refind use/syslinux/ui/gfxboot use/x11/wmaker
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,livecd-install-wmaker)
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,installer-feature-no-xconsole-stage3)
@$(call add,MAIN_PACKAGES,wmgtemp wmhdaps wmpomme wmxkbru)
@$(call add,MAIN_PACKAGES,wmgtemp wmhdaps wmpomme wmxkbru xxkb)
# wdm can't do autologin so add standalone one for livecd
distro/regular-wmaker: distro/.regular-sysv \
mixin/regular-wmaker use/live/autologin
@$(call add,LIVE_PACKAGES,wdm)
distro/regular-gnustep: distro/regular-wmaker use/x11/gnustep +plymouth
# gdm2.20 can reboot/halt with both sysvinit and systemd, and is slim
mixin/regular-gnustep: use/x11/gnustep use/x11/gdm2.20 +plymouth
@$(call add,THE_BRANDING,graphics)
distro/regular-gnustep: distro/.regular-sysv \
mixin/regular-wmaker mixin/regular-gnustep; @:
distro/regular-gnustep-systemd: distro/.regular-base +systemd \
mixin/regular-wmaker mixin/regular-gnustep; @:
distro/regular-xfce: distro/.regular-gtk use/x11/xfce +nm; @:
distro/regular-lxde: distro/.regular-gtk use/x11/lxde use/fonts/infinality +nm
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