Commit 1279d8b7 authored by Anton Midyukov's avatar Anton Midyukov

tar2fs: copy default devicetree to ESP

Needed for booting in UEFI mode on single-board computers with U-boot.
parent cacb3948
......@@ -381,6 +381,11 @@ if [ -f "$ROOTFS/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf" ]; then
# Copy default devicetree to ESP
if [ -L "$ROOTFS"/boot/dtb ] && [ -n "$EFIPART" ]; then
cp -Lr "$ROOTFS"/boot/dtb "$EFIPARTFS"
# e2k
if [ -f "$ROOTFS/boot/boot.conf" ]; then
sed -i "s/LABEL=ROOT/$ROOTDEV/g" "$ROOTFS/boot/boot.conf"
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