Commit 12a2fc98 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

80-make-initfs: fix for current make-initrd*

Thanks mithraen@ for spotting, boyarsh@ for explaining, and legion@ for hearty support :) The problem would manifest itself like this: /.host/ line 20: /usr/lib64/propagator/initfs: \ No such file or directory mki-scripts: .../stage1/scripts.d/80-make-initfs: unable to run script.
parent 30d0340d
......@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ if [ "`rpmvercmp "$MAKE_INITRD_VER" "0.7.8"`" != "-1" ]; then
if make-initrd $MAKE_INITRD_OPTS; then
gzip < /boot/initrd-$kver.img > $(getconf LIBDIR)/propagator/initfs
pdir="$(getconf LIBDIR)/propagator/initfs"
if [ -d "$pdir" ]; then # p5/t6
gzip < /boot/initrd-$kver.img > "$pdir"/initfs
exit 1
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