Commit 2e84dec0 authored by Anton Midyukov's avatar Anton Midyukov Committed by Michael Shigorin add aarch64-tegra support

parent 22287121
......@@ -48,4 +48,11 @@ vm/alt-p9-jeos-systemd vm/alt-p9-jeos-sysv vm/alt-p9-builder \
vm/alt-p9-xfce: \
vm/alt-p9-%: vm/regular-% mixin/p9; @:
ifeq (,$(filter-out aarch64,$(ARCH)))
vm/alt-p9-cinnamon-tegra vm/alt-p9-kde5-tegra \
vm/alt-p9-lxde-tegra vm/alt-p9-lxqt-tegra \
vm/alt-p9-mate-tegra vm/alt-p9-xfce-tegra: \
vm/alt-p9-%-tegra: vm/regular-%-tegra mixin/p9; @:
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