Commit 368cfd26 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

syslinux: trivial cleanup

"echo ... | xargs cp -t" is a bit more complicated compared to plain "copy ..."
parent f5178dee
......@@ -45,10 +45,9 @@ cfg = $(wildcard$(1).cfg)
# arguments get evaluated before recipe body execution thus prep
all: prep debug
@echo $(sort \
cp -pLt $(DSTDIR) -- $(sort \
$(foreach C,$(SYSLINUX_CFG),$(call cfg,$(C))) \
$(foreach M,$(SYSLINUX_MODULES),$(call cfg,$(M)))) \
| xargs cp -pLt $(DSTDIR) --
$(foreach M,$(SYSLINUX_MODULES),$(call cfg,$(M))))
@echo $(SYSLINUX_MODULES) > $(DSTDIR)/modules.list
@echo $(SYSLINUX_FILES) > $(DSTDIR)/files.list
@echo $(BOOTLOADER) > $(DSTDIR)/bootloader
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