Commit 60779895 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin


parent eace7a45
object eace7a459f68df91afb6247f22d086404545b3b5
type commit
tag v1.1.42
tagger Michael Shigorin <> 1406577197 +0400
current bits
object af1dd7205c5892c9568f3267ee13d01f97f81ba5
type commit
tag v1.1.41
tagger Michael Shigorin <> 1404760234 +0400
post-214 fixups
f08fac9d0459ab2d93dca6f9f678f504abb36e46 v1.1.41
132c63d8bf8b8f6dc4830e03eaff347ceb98513d v1.1.42
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