Commit 6b7a4f39 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

net-eth: expand stage2 comment

Just in case adding use/net-eth -> use/stage2/net-eth dependency ever seems a good idea...
parent 7867f2c7
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ use/net-eth: use/net
@$(call xport,NET_ETH)
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,udev-rule-generator-net)
# see also use/stage2/net-eth
# see also use/stage2/net-eth; do not depend on it though
# as stage2-less images need preconfigured networking too
# typical boilerplate
use/net-eth/dhcp: use/net-eth use/net/dhcp
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