Commit 87bfa3f6 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

check vigorously the autochosen path prefix either

It happens that if the host environment isn't particularly tuned up for package builds already then bin/mktmpdir might come up with a directory outside hasher-allowed prefix list; now that's a shame and not a Christmas gift, clearly. Thanks Vladimir Karpinsky for pointing this problem out too.
parent 0ec7d7cd
# analyze free space, preferring tmpfs over really many gigaz
# and taking into account configured hasher workdir prefices
# hope there aren't spaces in RM's $HOME are they?
DIRS="$TMP $TMPDIR $HOME/hasher /tmp /var/tmp .."
MINSIZE=262144 # face control criterion
# poor man's SourceIfExists()
try_source() { [ -f "$1" ] && . "$1"; }
# hasher accepted ones
try_source /etc/hasher-priv/system
try_source `/usr/libexec/hasher-priv/`
echo "$prefix" | tr ':' '\n' | while read i; do realpath "$i"; done
# drop candidates that hasher won't handle anyways
# NB: doesn't take --number into account,
# prefix lists are defined by the primary configuration
for d in "$@"; do
D="`realpath "$d"`";
for p in `get_prefices`; do
[ "${D#$p}" = "$D" ] || echo "$D";
done \
| uniq # _not_ sort -u
# pick existing, writeable, >256M free space dirs
# rank them wrt type: tmpfs > realfs > rootfs
choose_tmpdir() {
for i in $DIRS; do
for i in "$@"; do
[ -d "$i" -a -w "$i" ] || continue
echo -n "$i "
df -Tl "$i" | tail -1
......@@ -25,7 +51,15 @@ choose_tmpdir() {
| cut -f2 -d' '
DIR="`choose_tmpdir`/`dirname "$1"`"
# bringing it all together
TMPDIRS="`contemplate_dirs $DIRS`"
if [ -z "$TMPDIRS" ]; then
echo "error: no suitable directories found" >&2
echo "please check docs, filesystem and hasher setup" >&2
exit 1
DIR="`choose_tmpdir $TMPDIRS`/`dirname "$1"`"
NAME="`basename "${1:-tmpdir}"`"
mkdir -p "$DIR" # in case $1 contains slash(es)
mktemp -d "$NAME.XXXXXXX" --tmpdir="${DIR%/.}"
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