Commit 966f5f9f authored by Mikhail Efremov's avatar Mikhail Efremov Committed by Anton Midyukov

slinux: Fix for biarch wine

Some packages was renamed. Wine is required on x86_64 too.
parent 6db95c7b
wine@i586 wine@X86
libwine-gl@i586 wine-gl@X86
libwine-twain@i586 wine-twain@X86
i586-wine@x86_64 i586-wine@x86_64
i586-libwine-gl@x86_64 i586-wine-gl@x86_64
i586-libwine-twain@x86_64 i586-wine-twain@x86_64
wine-mono@X86 wine-mono@X86
winetricks@X86 winetricks@X86
# For winetricks # For winetricks
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