Commit a0d0be1a authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

syslinux: fixed live_rw configuration

The initial revision was brilliantly buggy: it is *so* apparent that cdrom will never be actually used for rw slice that this has evaded my attention rather completely.
parent d20ab96d
label session
menu label LiveCD with ^sessions support
kernel alt0/vmlinuz
append initrd=alt0/ fastboot live showopts automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@live_size@ stagename=live live_rw vga=0x314 @bootargs@
append initrd=alt0/ fastboot live showopts automatic=method:disk,label:ALT* ramdisk_size=@live_size@ stagename=live live_rw vga=0x314 @bootargs@
label rescue_session
menu label Rescue with sess^ions support
kernel alt0/vmlinuz
append initrd=alt0/ fastboot live showopts automatic=method:cdrom ramdisk_size=@rescue_size@ stagename=rescue live_rw
append initrd=alt0/ fastboot live showopts automatic=method:disk,label:ALT* ramdisk_size=@rescue_size@ stagename=rescue live_rw
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