Commit a211aec7 authored by Michael Shigorin's avatar Michael Shigorin

install2: drop use/install2/kms

This has only been useful for plymouth feature, and +installer shortcut included this target for all the wrong reasons as it seems today (thus blocking the DRM-free server installers, for example).
parent 1ca79755
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ use/install2: use/stage2 sub/stage2@install2 use/metadata \
# doesn't use/install2/fs on purpose (at least so far)
use/install2/full: use/install2/packages use/install2/kms use/install2/vmguest \
use/install2/full: use/install2/packages use/install2/vmguest \
use/syslinux/localboot.cfg use/syslinux/ui/menu; @:
# see also use/vmguest
......@@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ use/install2/repo: use/install2
use/install2/net: use/install2
@$(call add,INSTALL2_PACKAGES,curl)
# modern free xorg drivers for mainstream hardware require KMS support
use/install2/kms: use/stage2/kms
@$(call add,BASE_KMODULES_REGEXP,drm.*)
# see also use/vmguest/kvm; qxl included in xorg pkglist
@$(call add,INSTALL2_PACKAGES,spice-vdagent xorg-drv-qxl)
......@@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ use/plymouth/stage2: use/plymouth use/branding \
@$(call add,STAGE2_BRANDING,bootsplash)
@$(call add,STAGE2_BOOTARGS,quiet splash)
use/plymouth/base: use/plymouth/stage2 use/install2/kms
use/plymouth/base: use/plymouth/stage2
@$(call add,INSTALL2_PACKAGES,installer-feature-setup-plymouth)
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES_REGEXP,make-initrd-plymouth cpio)
@$(call add,BASE_KMODULES_REGEXP,drm.*)
@$(call add,THE_BRANDING,bootsplash)
use/plymouth/full: use/plymouth/stage2 use/plymouth/base; @:
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