Commit c3d7376b authored by Anton V. Boyarshinov's avatar Anton V. Boyarshinov Committed by Michael Shigorin

package lists and meta-info changes ro alt-server beta1

parent 720dbfd2
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ifeq (distro,$(IMAGE_CLASS))
ifeq (,$(filter-out i586 x86_64,$(ARCH)))
distro/alt-server: server_groups_x86 = $(addprefix centaurus/,\
blogs emulators gnome-peer-to-peer freenx-server \
emulators freenx-server \
ipmi netinst sogo)
distro/alt-server: monitoring = $(addprefix server-v/, 90-monitoring \
mixin/alt-server: server_groups = $(addprefix centaurus/,\
10-alterator 20-server-apps 30-cups 50-freeipa 70-dev 80-desktop 90-docs sambaDC buildsystem dhcp-server-a diag-tools dns-server-a ftp-server-a graphics-editing gtk-dictionary mail-server-a mate mediawiki monitoring office owncloud pidgin publishing remmina scanning sound-editing vlc xorg domain-server freeipa-client samba)
10-alterator 20-server-apps 50-freeipa 70-dev 80-desktop 90-docs sambaDC buildsystem dhcp-server-a diag-tools dns-server-a ftp-server-a mail-server-a mate mediawiki office owncloud pidgin vlc xorg domain-server freeipa-client)
mixin/alt-server: +installer +systemd \
use/branding/complete use/control use/services \
......@@ -43,5 +43,5 @@ mixin/alt-server: +installer +systemd \
@$(call add,DEFAULT_SERVICES_ENABLE,rpcbind sshd bind)
@$(call set,META_PUBLISHER,BaseALT Ltd)
@$(call set,META_VOL_SET,ALT)
@$(call set,META_VOL_ID,ALT Server)
@$(call set,META_VOL_ID,ALT Server 9.0 $(ARCH))
@$(call set,META_APP_ID,ALT Server 9.0 $(ARCH) $(shell date +%F))
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Encoding=UTF-8
Name=SambaDC Server (AD controller)
Name[ru_RU]=Сервер SambaDC (контроллер AD)
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