- 26 May, 2014 9 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
- use/browser
Michael Shigorin authored
This is a no-op commit to clean up the mess a bit.
Michael Shigorin authored
A few more packages suggested by Speccyfighter are more generally useful than for regular-sysv-tde alone; let's stick those into a pkglist instead.
Michael Shigorin authored
The logic is pretty much the same as with live.mk, even somewhat extended as this has actually been the driver of this change: some images like icewm or lxqt-based ones might show off other browsers explicitly (in addition to zerg@'s request).
Michael Shigorin authored
Firefox was the very reasonable default for initial livecd implementation but now that at least initial browser chooser infrastructure is in place it's time to un-hardwire its use. It's _the_ default but switchable now so that images providing a comprehensive browser can avoid feature duplication.
Michael Shigorin authored
This one has been asking to be implemented for too long already, and zerg@ was interested in a bit more lean and mean regular-kde4 either (there are two browsers provided with it via metapackage). There's another reason to do it recently: Firefox Australis UI is not exactly the best for many of us, and good ol' seamonkey seems preferable for "vintage"/low-resource images coming with icewm or windowmaker.
Michael Shigorin authored
A humble utility which can be a huge time- and eye-strain saver.
Michael Shigorin authored
Tested, fixed and added finally.
- 19 May, 2014 3 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
- regular-lxqt
Michael Shigorin authored
This should better lurk here unless someone (including myself) either forgets or doesn't realize the inobvious chain of the assumptions made for the read-only warranty to actually work.
- 14 May, 2014 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
This is a nice small text utility which is immensely helpful when dealing with good ol' phones.
- 13 May, 2014 5 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
This is actually downplaying: the net effect is that a few images continue to carry krb5-ticket-watcher and have avahi service enabled by default while most of the images have one "weird" item less on their menus and a few hundred kilobytes less in total RSS. These are not really needed by default in lightweight distros sporting reduced application and services set, and the heavier ones will take relatively less hit by default while being more ready as ALT Domain clients (which was the whole motivation behind adding the feature and the corresponding pkglist).
Michael Shigorin authored
The "full" one adds Kerberos ticket watcher GUI and sets up avahi service to start automatically.
Michael Shigorin authored
Renamed to desktop+lxqt+razorqt+extra so that the name fits both searches.
Michael Shigorin authored
Seems working already.
Michael Shigorin authored
This is a sketch based on both lxde and razorqt bits.
- 12 May, 2014 13 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
- yet another rescue week
Michael Shigorin authored
Yet another forensic package suggested by Maxim Suhanov.
Michael Shigorin authored
libpff-tools: Tools to access Microsoft PST and OST files
Michael Shigorin authored
This package contains a custom dialog-based dc3dd frontend aimed to help non-expert CLI users to deal with common tasks involving full-drive imaging and contributed by Maxim Suhanov.
Michael Shigorin authored
A virtual machine lacking DHCP client seems much less useful, and being able to shut one down via emulated ACPI button press seems like no luxury either.
Michael Shigorin authored
led-ws kernel flavour has gained kernel-modules-vmware recently, let's add this to the appropriate targets. It's used in regular-jeos already but THE_ part was missing.
Michael Shigorin authored
As requested by Maxim Suhanov; libwrc has been a dependency and yielded a tools subpackage too, included either.
Michael Shigorin authored
dm service is set up to autostart when installed anyways, and explicit `chkconfig dm on' results in it being turned on at runlevels 2, 3 and 4 too which is really not needed. Thanks led@ for spotting and reporting this.
Michael Shigorin authored
It appears that led-ws kernel flavour hasn't been tested within regular builds which is a shame; let's fix that.
Michael Shigorin authored
These are rather foreignsic: liblnk-tools: Tools to access the Windows Shortcut File (LNK) format libregf-tools: Utilities to inspect Windows REGF-type Registry files libuna-tools: Utilities from libuna for Unicode/ASCII Byte Stream conversions libvshadow-tools: Tools to access the Volume Shadow Snapshot (VSS) format Suggested by Maxim Sunahov and ported from OBS packages.
Michael Shigorin authored
The newly-introduced STAGE1_KCONFIG variable serves to keep those kernel configuration options that are required to be present in the kernel to boot.
Michael Shigorin authored
This software allows to (re)index and analyze considerable bodies of unstructured documents. The full metapackage, just in case.
- 08 May, 2014 1 commit
Michael Shigorin authored
Maxim Suhanov suggested this to reduce stress for those not used to the editor yet.
- 05 May, 2014 8 commits
Michael Shigorin authored
Michael Shigorin authored
- remember Odessa
Michael Shigorin authored
Thanks msp@ for his proposal to provide at least some hints regarding metadata related variables albeit further RTFM is much recommended.
Michael Shigorin authored
cfg.in/README should be explicit regarding "automatic=method:cdrom" being usable for flash media too (propagator has been fixed since 20101130-alt10 or so, and gfxboot is able to tweak the cmdline having figured out it's running off the flash either).
Michael Shigorin authored
Asked for by Speccyfighter: http://lists.altlinux.org/pipermail/community/2014-April/682001.html
Michael Shigorin authored
It's by no means substitution for proper l10n feature but forcing users into POSIX locale for recovery ops is no good at all. This is basically a fork of live feature's 20-locale, a font has been changed to save some face though.
Michael Shigorin authored
This should provide the fix for #30024 (thanks ildar@): vmware relies on mptspi.ko by default and that's been split out into scsi and not guest subpackage for led-ws. BTW use/install2/vmguest instead of a bunch.
Michael Shigorin authored
Thanks ildar@ for #30024 and specifically mentioning that mptspi.ko is missing in jeos flavour (using led-ws).