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  1. 23 May, 2016 1 commit
  2. 20 Apr, 2015 5 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1: added ext4.ko to modules · f9f1437b
      Michael Shigorin authored
      It's been found out that live_rw isn't going to work
      without ext4 module being available; let's ensure that.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      a few modules.d test drives · 559f80ad
      Michael Shigorin authored
      These are aimed to test the modules.d/ and auto-pickup
      implementation as well as to present an example.
      At least 50-net might change (or just get renamed to avoid
      auto-pickup) some day as the "net" feature's meaning is
      to provide networking upon bootup and these modules are
      only needed within stage1 if we're going to netboot;
      and that's quite different thing.
      armh-cubox bits are prone to get renamed/generalized too
      since e.g. ArmadaXP based server images are going to need
      this as well.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage2: added broken-down module lists · e139a5e0
      Michael Shigorin authored
      These were produced off the single
      file using this scriptlet to prefix/annotate the names:
        grep '\.ko$' modules \
        | grep -v / \
        | while read m; do \
        	echo "$(find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/{drivers,fs} \
      		-name "$m" -printf %P $m $(modinfo -d "${m%.ko}" 2>&1)"; \
      ...with subsequent sorting and manual separation.
      This is meant to be the second stage in monolithic modules
      file split, so the lists themselves are largely unmolested
      otherwise.  The plan is to further split those into prefix-
      and module-specific ones.
      Add a note clarifying 10-stage2's status, by the way.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1, stage2: moved propagator modules file · 1ee01498
      Michael Shigorin authored
      What was a static (and the only one)
      is now
      (basically a compatibility file that might go some day).
      It will be auto-picked as its name corresponds to the
      NN-SUFFIX pattern specified in stage1 subprofile now
      with $(FEATURES) going into default STAGE1_MODLISTS.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1, stage2: initial modlists support · a36d0236
      Michael Shigorin authored
      stage1's got prepare-modules target collecting
      modules file snippets all over stage1/modules.d/
      subdirectories within individual features.
      stage2 now adds names of all the features going into
      a particular image as snippet file suffix list so that
      individual features don't have to register themselves
      twice (as a feature and as a propagator modules.d
      snippet carrier).
      This is going to allow both "uncommon" modules getting
      included with no problem (sin@ has wanted cifs ones
      for quite some time, for example, and some want e.g.
      infiniband modules) *and* to reduce the actual list
      below the common mark as well (which is the case with
      live-privacy image, for one).
      And stage1 memory consumption does matter in some cases
      as it's highly critical with no chance to use swap yet.
  3. 29 Mar, 2015 5 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1: drop dummy.ko · 08d802ab
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Looks like it's been dumped in along with the rest but not
      actually used in {make-initrd-,}propagator; the problem with it
      is that snd-dummy.ko matches and pulls a bunch of unrelated
      modules where these don't belong (grep -w wouldn't match
      snd_dummy.ko though).
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1: re-add a few modules · bc0f8a45
      Michael Shigorin authored
      These can be found in (semi-)supported branches still:
      - loop.ko:
        + 3.0.101-std-def-alt0.M60P.1
        + 3.4.96-led-ws-alt0.M70P.1
      - aufs.ko:
        + 2.6.32-el-smp-alt31
        + 3.4.96-led-ws-alt0.M70P.1
      ehci_marvell.ko isn't found in contemporary sisyphus/armh
      kernels but let's purge it later during archdep rewrite.
      NB: libusual.ko has been renamed to usb-libusual.ko as of p6
          (not to be found in p7 anymore), and nls_base.ko was in
          2.6.32 kernels as of p6 but not there in p7; purge these
          somewhere down the road.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1: purge nonexistent modules · 09a9255f
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This file has been floating around for quite some time,
      and some of its contents are pure bit rot by now...
      Drop the modules that don't exist as of 3.19.2-un-def-alt1
      upon manual diff examination.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1: fix module name · 71ad34a9
      Michael Shigorin authored
      It wasn't sdhci_pci.ko back in 2.6.32 actually and it's
      sdhci-pci.ko; so grep used by mkmodpack won't pick it up.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1: add USB3 support · f112a335
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This has been missing for *so* long somehow, and adding some 200k
      of modules for fast hardware that's widely available by now
      looks like a deal.
      Added USB Attached SCSI module just in case (or rather for weak
      crc_t10dif symbols?).
  4. 19 Sep, 2014 2 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      fix kpackages() API · 6f452182
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This function's got its argument order chosen for "aesthetical"
      reason of $(2) following $(1) in the macros but the logical order
      is exactly the opposite: we care for kernel flavour much more than
      for module set (which is dependent upon it).
      So while silent dropout of kernel-image if KFLAVOURS is set
      but KMODULES is empty could be fixed by testing for $(2) only,
      it looks like a good time to fix this discrepancy altogether.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1: fix for non-propagator stage2 · 730e791f
      Michael Shigorin authored
      It's been a given that any stage2 is propagator-based
      but that's not neccessarily so; the "run X as PID 1"
      sort of contest has sparkled interest in some others.
  5. 18 Aug, 2014 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1: READMEdability fix · 5b069739
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Kernel modules come as both *.ko and kernel-modules-*.rpm
      and it wasn't clear enough whether to mention "ahci" or "v4l".
  6. 17 Mar, 2014 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      kernel, stage1: don't provide r8168.ko by default · 49b6291a
      Michael Shigorin authored
      It conflicts with r8169.ko inobviously.
      The whole mess looks like this:
      - r8169.ko doesn't work for all of Realtek 8111/8168/8169 mutations
      - r8168.ko works with some of the chips r8169.ko doesn't
      - r8168.ko also works with many chips r8169.ko works with
      - r8169.ko is provided by kernel-image package (thus default)
      - r8168.ko is provided by kernel-modules-r8168 package (optional)
      - kernel-modules-r8168 package requires r8168-blacklist package
      - r8168-blacklist package is a one-liner that blacklists r8169.ko
      - STAGE1_KMODULES wouldn't include r8168 (std-def) or rtl8168 (led-ws)
      - would mention r8168.ko (m-p-d: r8169.ko)
      So a LiveCD built with use/kernel/net might work with RTL8111/8110
      just fine when booted live but fail to automatically load the module
      when installed onto hard drive; manual modprobe r8169 would work though.
      NB: some of the chips (those available to me) would work just fine
      both ways -- this has contributed to fixing this *that* late.
      Bottom line:
        do not install backup/kludge drivers overriding main ones by default!
      Thanks sem@ for providing the crucial hint.
  7. 05 Mar, 2014 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      documentation: use paths relative to toplevel dir · 3f547e25
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This change is done to reduce ambiguity in some cases;
      the previous intention has been to ease navigation when
      staying in a particular directory, now it's been changed
      in favour of convenient toplevel `git grep' in fact.
      Both variants have their pros and cons, I just find myself
      leaning to this one by now hence the commit.  Feel free to
      provide constructive criticism :)
      Some path-related bitrot has also been fixed while at that.
  8. 11 Jan, 2014 1 commit
  9. 17 Jun, 2013 1 commit
  10. 10 Jun, 2013 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      README update · 5b21100b
      Michael Shigorin authored
      These have been proofread somewhat to correspond
      to the current state of affairs; a missing one
      was added for fonts feature.
  11. 25 Mar, 2013 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      added live_rw support · 429ce586
      Michael Shigorin authored
      There's a need for a separate boot target since
      persistent storage is way slower than tmpfs indeed;
      usbflash has a tendency for huge performance drops
      given simultaneous writes in addition to reads which
      are the bottleneck already.
      make-initrd-propagator 0.18 introduced ext4 rw slice,
      so the corresponding kernel module needs to be included
      into stage1; see also #28289.
      NB: not available on x86_64-efi (or hybrid GPT to be strict)
      due to fragility of the hack being made: parted(8) panics
      upon seeing that, and good ol' fdisk is unable to treat it.
      NB: use/live/rw use/rescue/rx use/syslinux/ui/gfxboot
      are unlikely to play very nice together due to the latter's
      magic l10n: "session" label is taken by live_rw config snippet
      and *is* translated in design-bootloader-source;
      OTOH "rescue_session" is *not*.
  12. 05 Mar, 2013 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1: replace r8169 with r8168 · 35689d15
      Michael Shigorin authored
      The issue is that r8169 is rather broken nowadays while
      r8168 tends to work on the same hardware; see also #28473.
      Thanks zerg@ for having hinted that it's stage1 modules,
      not the root squashfs.
  13. 17 Dec, 2012 2 commits
  14. 09 Nov, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1: added nfsv*.ko to modules · 45cddfd2
      Michael Shigorin authored
      The newer kernels have versioned NFS support code moved
      into a few separate modules with nice self-explanatory
      messages reading "Protocol not supported" if one has
      managed to overlook this; thanks boyarsh@ for heads-up
      (based on f545923271f9d1938d1887632ab4697c4c009039 m-p-d).
  15. 05 Nov, 2012 1 commit
  16. 31 Oct, 2012 1 commit
  17. 10 Oct, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      make-3.82 adaptation · 6f5be918
      Michael Shigorin authored
      The issue actually hit "metadata" target
      in wasn't reached
      even if
      would ACK that the "whatever" actions included "metadata";
      thus Metadata/pkg-groups.tar wasn't created and the installer
      silently failed to install the .base system.
      Let's armour the rest of the cases where the order of inclusion
      might be important as well.
  18. 25 Apr, 2012 1 commit
  19. 10 Apr, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      implemented {THE,BASE,LIVE}_PACKAGES_REGEXP · 86c42e2d
      Michael Shigorin authored
      but adding more of those was postponed to avoid bloat and
      bitrot; THE_PACKAGES_REGEXP is needed for use/firmware now
      will be useful before too long either.
      Docs updated to include stage-specific package related vatiables.
  20. 09 Apr, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage2: tunable squashfs compression · fe58c46e
      Michael Shigorin authored
      The existing implementation would handle kernel differences
      just fine but a bit too automatically: if it sees xz support,
      that's what will end up being used (and if there's -Xbcj binary
      compression filter available for the target platform, it will
      be applied unequivocally either).
      It's perfectly suitabe for getting fine-tuned release images
      but is also a bit too resource-consuming while developing the
      image configuration which has no business with its compression.
      The one and only knob is SQUASHFS (see doc/variables.txt);
      to give an idea of the differences, here are some numbers
      for a mostly-binary (43% as per 99-elf-stats) webkiosk livecd
      and a rather less so (18%) flightgear one on a dual quad-core
      X5570 node (each mksquashfs run used up all the cores):
      SQUASHFS | live-webkiosk.iso | live-flightgear.iso
      fast     | 3:30 / 130M       | 5:11 / 852M
      normal * | 3:37 / 100M       | 5:35 / 688M
      tight    | 3:50 / 98M        | 6:47 / 683M
      Thus if the knob isn't fiddled with, the defaults will allow
      for a reasonably fast build of a pretty slim image; if one is
      building a release or if a particular image is very sensitive
      being close to the media capacity then just add SQUASHFS=tight
      and see it a percent or two down on size.
      Please note that lzo/gzip-compressed images are also quicker
      to uncompress thus further helping with test iterations.
      Thanks to led@ and glebfm@ for helpful hints and questions.
  21. 11 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  22. 04 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  23. 21 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      "if test ..." replaced by "if [ ... ]" · 180ed535
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Fixed up the remnants of the early style mix
      to correspond to the proposed doc/style.txt;
      the rationale being that
      	if [ ... ]; then
      is the more readable construct among itself,
      	if test ...; then
      	[ ... ] && {
      due to the condition being more distinguishable
      when bracketed and the body more apparent as the
      one inside "if" and not any other block; the less
      obvious difference is that the final construct of
      the latter form is prone to the whole script exit
      status being non-zero if the condition isn't met.
  24. 19 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      introduced THE_{KMODULES,PACKAGES,LISTS,GROUPS} · d6972a39
      Michael Shigorin authored
      As too many things started duplicating between distros proper
      and (e.g. corresponding) LiveCDs, it became apparent that a class
      of entities which end up working for THE_USER (not a sysadmin,
      and not a developer, just a Linux user) is in need.
      So THE_KMODULES will power installed basesystem and live image,
      while THE_PACKAGES, THE_LISTS and THE_GROUPS will participate
      in building those.
  25. 12 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  26. 09 Nov, 2011 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      stage1/modules: added sdhci · f257b8e9
      Michael Shigorin authored
      This might be needed to install onto an SD card in a "native"
      (non-USB-mediated) SD/MMC cardreader; thanks Vladimir Karpinsky
      and gns@ for going over it for liveflash.eeepc case.
  27. 06 Nov, 2011 1 commit
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      full-view docs update · ddf0c5b7
      Michael Shigorin authored
      - toplevel README received some long-needed refactoring
        + lowlevel detail moved, well, to lowlevel READMEs
      - reflected more thoroughly that m-p is not about distros anymore
      - dropped it's already out-of-date
        a bit, and there's no perceived need in thorough English docs so far
      - wiki article got split into parts and somewhat rewritten, links updated
      - mv doc/{CodingStyle,style.txt}
  28. 04 Nov, 2011 3 commits
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      Michael Shigorin authored
      It was clear that "common" isn't very apt for packages that
      will get *everywhere*, and became apparent when the need for
      a "base+live packages" variable arrived with powerbutton feature.
      - the former COMMON_PACKAGES are now SYSTEM_PACKAGES;
      Note that SYSTEM_PACKAGES also got factored out from stage2 based
      features into stage2 subprofile itself; cleanups were due as well.
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      docs update · fba30e06
      Michael Shigorin authored
      Rather minor fixups for things changed in the meanwhile and not
      yet (re)documented properly; and a change for memtest feature
      to require syslinux feature (the code's been changed to fit
      the updated description, actually, and the change is purely
      formal as no syslinux alternative is being used/planned so far).
    • Michael Shigorin's avatar
      don't override targets for no reason · 2b90dffa
      Michael Shigorin authored